Fo reals or is it sarcasm? You’re are good. Can’t tell.
Fo reals or is it sarcasm? You’re are good. Can’t tell.
Let’s hope the guy got syphillis from the hookers that he drove around in that Ferrari.
As somebody who is an animal shelter volunteer and all-around animal lover: Thanks for saving Turbo and making sure he found a home!
I’m sorry, but a 79 year old woman intentionally going 147 in a Boxster shouldn’t be given a fine OR a ban. She should be given a medal, because she’s clearly a goddamn global hero.
Had the same thought, but didn’t want to be a Debbie Downer lol.
Somehow every time I read a Ferrari article, I come out the other side thinking “fuck Ferrari.”
I am convinced Ferrari is a just vile company. I don’t have the money to, but if I did, I’d never buy one. Porsche’s cars are as good to drive for far less money, McLaren’s have better performance, and Lamborghini builds better supercars.
A 2013 Tacoma is a nice truck, but it’s not that nice.
“Handle the load of the law” sounds like a eyerolling line from a really bad porno flick.
Haha, good eye. Yeah I just mirror’d the photo so both cars would be going the same way. I wanted to use dramatically different colors for the two versions of the car so had to improvise a little.
NOOOO didn’t you read??!? It’s a Dodge *shudder* that means it’s terrible and can’t be trusted to even go down to the next block! And he’s going to have to start all the major repairs like head light bulbs and tires!! It’s a blackhole that sucks in money!!!
How about keep the Nitro and start saving money.
Mid Engine or Mid Front Engine?
Probably not helped by the fact that their dealerships are the most archaic, sleazy places I’ve ever shopped. Lots of condescending salesmen, nothing has a price tag, nobody will tell you the price of a bike until you start the finance process, trash talking other brands and even their own entry level products, etc.
Rules of photography in the year of our Instagram 2017: thou shalt eschew all traditional angles of photography. Verily I tell to you, he who cranks up the bokeh with tight angle lenses shall be richly blessed with hearts, emojis, and followers.
Kudos to the successful test run of Mr. Musk’s mind control gun.
Charity doesn’t depreciate, and is always appreciated.