
Wow. I’m surprised with some of the comments here. No. Not surprised. Disappointed. If we made fun of someone with downs sydrome or Parkinson’s there would be hell to pay.

Well well, Kanye and I have something in common. I’m also being admitted to hospital this afternoon for my own ‘health and safety’. I have a feeling he will be getting a nicer room and better food than me.

You mock, but the funds raised with the ice bucket challenge have led to research that has just had a breakthrough and might lead to an actual cure for ALS.

Let’s pull in the economics argument. Unplanned costs have to come from somewhere. You think $.33 per American is no big deal (I think your estimate of how much things like this cost is really fucking low but OK, let’s go with it). I say that a hundred million dollars can do a hell of a lot of good to some other

His heart grew three sizes after that. Shame that 3 times 0 is still 0.

Please let this happen please let this happen please let this happen.

Charge yr damn phone, tout de suite!

The problem is you can’t have it without the mandate of everyone buying insurance. People who are healthy have no reason to buy it if they don’t want, which means that the cost remains astronomical for anyone who is sick and wants to buy. You need a healthy pool paying in to susidize.

Try “heel spurs” I hear those can get you out of being drafted despite being all accounts an above average athlete at the time.

So the argument is essentially that he’s too important now to be held to the normal standard of law? That justice will thwart a “healing process”?

I broke out the vibe last night because I needed SOMETHING to help me relax, and it made me physically ill. Ugh.

The trial is set for November 28th? I thought that was Election Day?

in all seriousness, my libido has disappeared since the election. 100% gone.

I’m binge watching Fargo.

So you want him to do well so that..... some internet blogger has to eat crow? Not because it would be great for this nation if he does well (assuming he does), not because many people would see their daily lives improve if he does well (assuming he does), but because someone whom you’ve never met and who has never

yeah ashley, how dare you talk about something that will define a generation that happened three whole days ago?? these SJWs, so dramatic! /s

You’re an amazing writer and please dont ever change. Dont let the bastards drag you down. Seriously, you are one of the few writers I followed from Gawker. I know you have gotten a lot of hate this last year (and im sure way more than we can know over your career) but I hope you get some encouraging messages too.


You know Mike Pence is doing the Mr. Burns pointy fingers thing right now.