
Just realized I didn’t answer that last question of yours! I don’t know how you’d put that on your resume without it being seriously fucking weird. Y’know? Like “BS Economics, PSU, but Paterno’s a POS”?! The sentiment, however, would earn them a place at the top, IMHO — Character matters.

Interesting question but one that we’ve had to deal with. “Eagle Scout” is one thing (accomplishment) but any political/social stances are a terrible idea and suggest that hire isn’t going to get along with others (I hired someone 15 years ago who put their religious position on their resume - disaster).

Child. Rape.

Seriously, did NONE of those players ever have a coach who told them to dive on a loose ball? Don’t try to pick it up, just dive on it so your team gets the possession. This is what happens when your entire defensive is composed of nothing but GLORY BOYS.


Right? It’s a no-brainer! “Our program had a child rape problem? Boom. Gone. We’ll revisit it in 10 years...”

Paterno should have gotten the death penalty.

THIS is the pedant hill you want to die on?!

Don’t be that guy.

Yeah, that is one of the more unbelievably fucked up parts.

It’s the same people that continue to ignore the Catholic Church’s pedophile problem.

Ever dated a Steelers fan?

The program should have gotten the death penalty.

I went out a few times with a girl who graduated from Penn St that is such a Paterno apologist it’s absurd. This is a girl that now works with an organization that in part challenges sexism and sexual harassment in the workplace, which is obviously good. She once got mad at me because I mentioned I enjoyed the song

“There are worse things than prioritizing football over the safety of children.”

I have no idea but there’s a verifiable mortality after major life events, usually children and grandchildren. There’s a birth, a christening, a marriage, a bar/bat mitzvah. After that goal has been reached there’s an uptick in old age deaths, as if people were holding on for something and, once it had passed, they

I think I had the same moment of panic that you did. Thank you for pointing this out. Emily, you do your readers a disservice by misrepresenting the article.

Same here. I’m a college instructor, and all my lecture slides, readings, etc. are on Drive, since I can just plug my Chromebook into my classroom’s projector via HDMI and go from there. I damn near shat myself.

I wonder if she feels ashamed for that article title. Because I do for her.

The last time I visited my great-aunt before she passed, she asked us about the little red-headed girl who was with us. The thing was that there wasn’t a little red-headed girl with us. While I was busy freaking out, my wife stayed calm and told her that she had come along to watch over my aunt. My aunt passed a few