
We’re all on Deadspin right now. We’re all deciding to be an idiot.

Report: Brazil’s Unluckiest Criminal Dies In Attempted Robbery Of Ex-Spetznaz GRU Agent.

Funny, that’s also how they spell “president”, “prime minister” and “democracy”.

My Slavic alphabet is a tad rusty, but I believe in Russian you spell “diplomat” as K-G-B.

In Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, victim kills criminal.

Russia 1

It’s just been revoked!

just like they say, the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a Russian diplomat trained in jiu jitsu

Which is a ransom. We weren’t handing over the money. Then we handed over the money to get our people back. That’s a ransom.

*comes back to life*

How much money do you think Ronnie Reagan sent to the Ayatollah back in 1980 to pay for holding the hostages then and releasing them just in time for the inauguration. They got what they were promised by Reagan in August of that year when he sold out the hostages for the Iranians to embarrass Carter so that Reagan

Legitimate transfer payments between two countries (or two anything) aren’t done in the middle of night with pallets of cash on an airplane. They’re done using wire transfers.

Oh, I was thinking of the more “moderate rebels” in Syria and Libya and the likes...

*cough cough* saudi arabia *cough cough* egypt *cough cough cough*

At the time, there was speculation from U.S. Speaker Paul Ryan and others that the payment amounted to a ransom for the four Americans

I still think it’s shady that we gave $400m in untraceable cash to a regime that funds a lot of really really bad opposed to the somewhat-bad groups we’re funding.

Imagine the next time they pull the scam they're dressed as Chinese hurdles?!

This is going to be a feel good story by the time that the Olympics are over.

I figured the Olympics in Rio would be a shitshow, but a vomitshow? That’s setting a whole new bar, guys.

Ah the old pinch and puke. This con takes me back to the 1940s