
It’s ok to laugh at jokes you don’t understand.

That’s not the point. The point is that it’s supposed to be a democratic process and yet they were trying to rig it from the outset. It reinforces the notion that Clinton doesn’t care about rules or process. “Fuck the rules, fuck the voters, it’s what I want all the time.”

agreed because what did they even bring to table except for getting a $15 min wage and public healthcare option and free community college into the national DNC platform

The campaign did hire her, and yeah, it’s a bad move for Clinton even though it’s probably not a terribly visible role.

This is such a slap in the face to everyone in the Democratic party. I will still vote for Hillary because the other guy is worse (and boy, do Debbie and her crew know that), but if the Dems lose the general, they really brought it upon themselves.

the clinton campaign? doing something incredibly stupid??

State of Florida is so embarrassed

Are the emails bad? I haven’t seen them. Either way, this doesn’t sound like a good move on Hillary’s part. Damn it, quit making it harder for people to like you, Hillary!!!!! We need to win this!

I voted for Sen Sanders in the primary, and am going to vote for Hillary in the general, and I agree with you. I’m still going to vote for her, but this was pretty scummy. At the same time- much though I like Bernie, I don’t know why so many people expected that the DNC would give him much effort. He isn’t a Democrat,

I think it’s true. Shitty move.

Exactly why she should’ve just sat out of the convention. This isn’t going to help Hillary.

Someone in another thread said that the Clinton campaign has already hired her. I really that’s not true. DWS is way to toxic and has too much baggage to be joining HRC’s campaign. It feeds into the idea that she was always on their payroll and they worked in cahoots to discredit and destroy the Sanders’ campaign.

But like... also this was really shitty. If Bernie had been your candidate and this happened I think you’d be pretty pissed. (Yeah the woman on the right is freaking me out a bit...)

Admitting it is the first step to the recovery.

The suspect looks AT LEAST 290 pounds, give or take 200 pounds

Except a bank robber is highly, HIGHLY unlikely to be walking through a park after a heist. I’m no thief, but methinks a faster getaway vehicle and reduced public exposure is a requirement for even the dumbest bandit. Props to the ICPD for not swiss-cheesing this guy, but the fact that 80% of the group felt it

You should see the Olympic pin collection: Hep C, Zika, EColi, strep.

If you time it just right, you can even ride the wave and get a speed boost.

What are they complaining about? The toilet’s output goes right into the sailing and swimming venues.