
“Follow the money.”

I was watching the fight in a movie theater full of Canello supporters and they thought he’d lost at the final bell. Out front after the decision we were talking about it and the consensus was that he was hanging on and if Golovkin had an extra round he’d have put Canello down. Alvarez was a lucky boy.

You will rightly receive a great many stars.

“Lucky for him, Floyd hits just slightly harder than Conor can in a boxing glove.”


I’m the Senate phone monkey. I refuse to use the ridiculously tarted-up title. Self-delusion serves no one.


LOL! “...technician...” That’s adorable.

Late to this game, but I choked up a big mouthful of iced tea when I read that one. That was mighty good!

I had a friend who was in the last stages of pancreatic cancer. She had been declining for months and was bed-ridden and past the need or desire for much of anything. She took her fluids through an IV and was heavily sedated with morphine. She had been almost entirely unconscious for several days, but came all the


That was, for being obvious, extremely, extremely funny. OMG I nearly snorted out my diet Dr. Pepper.

I missed the game ‘cause I’d just painted the laundry room and someone had to watch it dry, but is it SOP for the umpire to bugger-off to safety like a pussy and watch the mayhem play out? I thought that was hockey.

I went here in Watkins Glen and now I’m done with meat.

I’ll track it down.

This is what our sub-building psycho will have to look forward to in Danish prison:

However, it won’t be for life and it will be a shockingly pleasant experience.

God, I hate that fucker.

I can’t find any evidence...anywhere...that Seeberg accused Shembo of rape. There are plenty of college football players at ND that have raped women on campus and they and the university need to be held accountable for that, but I can’t find anything that ties Shembo to it.

You’re not going to win this one, though you seem to be correct: I can’t find any evidence that Seeberg accused Shembo of rape. The most detailed article I can find, from the National Catholic Reporter says the following: