
“Just like anyone else, officers are innocent until proven guilty.”

You’ll get little traction with this lot.

Don’t judge me.


Question: If Allegri comes, does Alexis stay?

The story I saw on Arseblog this morning is that Jamie Vardy was a direct replacement for Alexis last summer, but when the Vardy purchase fell through (Vardy must feel sick about it), Alexis was told that he couldn’t leave after all. If this is the case, then his smouldering disappointment at the metronomic collapse

No density on your part, at’s all on me. I was thinking about sealioning: Trolling by asking questions that are only masquerading as genuine curiosity. I suspect we’ve all experienced it on occasion. 

This is a technique used by both the slyly clever and the explicitly imbecilic. Clever folks use is to sandbag an argument they’re losing, but the not-so-bright genuinely are too lazy/stupid to do their own research. It’s infuriating in both instances.

A man has been given a second chance. There will not be a third.

Exactly! If you watch the whole transaction again, the look of relief on Beatty’s face when Faye just makes the announcement is pretty clear. Perhaps he thought that Faye looked at the card and was confident she knew what she was doing and an embarrassing blunder had been averted.

It was an amazing thing to have seen. I suspect that the presenters, knowing that PWC should know what they’re doing, never look at the front of the envelope. I would imagine they’re probably concentrating on their entrance, trying to look great for the audience and the cameras, whatever. Poor Warren, opening a card

Finally! An Oscar comment I can get behind. He was great!

Someone on twitter last night, live tweeting the show, made the absolutely correct observation that Horowitz’s La La Land score sounds like the music the Oscars use to play presenters in and out.

You’re a real prick. It’s steamy hot takes like this that turn Jezebel into an irrelevant ghetto.

Anthony Taylor is, and always has been, a whiny little bitch.

“Look at that doughy, stroke-face fuck. He totally did it.”

Oh my god...that’s horrific.

I feel dirty for giving you that star.

I can’t even read these articles yet. For me, the grief is still too near.

I’ve said this before, but Shailene Woodley is the worst actor I think I’ve ever seen in a mainstream, big budget movie. She has the emotive range of a slightly human shaped russet potato. Her acting is as good as the previous rancid simile I just coiled off. Her acting is poor.