
All that being true, Trump will likely do little worse than a candidate who had the devoted support of the Republican Party apparatus, hundreds of millions in campaign investment, and as sophisticated a get-out-the-vote operation as the Republicans could muster. If the national Republican Party machine had gone all

Well done.

When is all this sloppy slurping of the collective taint of the Chicago Cubs going to stop? It’s so...unseemly. They won...curse broken...move on. Jeez! (mutters angrily...stuffs Indians foam hand back in garage closet)

I desperately hope you’re right!

No, I’d expect her to have a future. Incompetence at their craft didn’t stop Stephen Glass, James Fry, and JT LeRoy, notorious fabulists all, from making a living from slinging words post-scandal.

Hey, Aja...fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

Fuck the Cubs. (runs away and slams the door)

LOL! This news should come as a surprise to exactly no one. The entire Democratic Party apparatus has been in the bag for Clinton since December, 2012. To pretend otherwise is to engage in a degree of self-delusion progressives should have abandoned a long time ago.

Came for this. Wasn’t disappointed.

There are few things worse than losing your dog. Best wishes.

I wish you were my buddy, then I’d have the coolest buddy ever. That was really, really good.

I grew up in hillbilly Florida, in the baptist church. I can attest to the scarifying power of those Chick screeds. I’d say they were 50% responsible for me not being a sinful fuckup until I got to junior high. Then puberty hit and all bets were off.


Once in 1987 I took a lot of acid. Like, a lot, then went down to the rec room below the student union of my college. By the time I got there I was post-verbal...I was operating on some level of translinguistic communication most of you mortals could barely comprehend. For reasons that are lost to me now, the

Wait...put it under the broiler? Or do you mean to just heat the oven to the “Broil” setting and put the ginger in the oven?


Says the woman cramming a donut in her mouth.

Are sweetbreads next?

He needs one of these fuckers:

Deeply and with anger.