Red Guard

THANK YOU. I consider it a huge red flag if I meet someone who is a big Morrissey fan.

Morrissey is a terrible person who makes terrible music. He is unoriginally nihilistic, bigoted, and extremely limited in his cultural frame of reference. He’s a proto-fascist. He has had no growth as an artist in his entire career and is quite frankly the aural equivalent of thick polyester golf pants on a hot summer

For y’all:

A wine train isn’t a dive bar. It’s like a higher end restaurant that allows you to sample wines and eat gourmet meals while you travel in style. You are not expected to pound back the bottles. And you are not expected to be drunk off your gourd.

All the people who are calling you “buzzkill” for your opinion are just people who have been luckily enough to have never been around obnoxious and loud drunk strangers. Otherwise they would be on your side. Dear God, I’ve been to places where drunk people were so painfully loud that it was like standing next speakers

It’s going to hurt them with the “I hate loud, obnoxious people” crowd.

“LOOK HOW MUCH FUN I’M HAVING!” is the lonely, insecure person’s life slogan.

Big difference here: my preference to keep my conversation at my table. Your preference to make everyone else listen to yours at top volume, whether they like it or not. Can you guess what the difference is? Your prize is a big spoonful of peanut butter.

Yeah, I’ve been on the Wine Train, and it’s not that. And I’m calling bullshit that you’ve ever been on this “wine tour.”

Now playing

But the train isn’t a dive bar. Haven’t seen the video on the site? It’s trying to portray itself as a higher end restaurant.

Great! If I ever need to frighten some bears out of my yard, I’ll give you and your baby sis a call. Until then, please find a way to hibernate. #commondecencyhahahaha

AMEN. I’m totally with you. A couple weeks ago my boyfriend and I were trying to have a romantic dinner at a Thai restaurant and a table of women were screaming - I guess technically laughing - and it was so annoying. It might as well have been an infant screaming at full volume.

I’ve definitely been bothered by extremely loud groups of people in bars and whatnot. Sometimes people do get out of control. I think the real problem is that they were asked to be a little quieter and they didn’t comply. I’m sure the other people on the train weren’t quiet church mice, so I would guess that the

News flash: you’re the loud laugher.

Being disruptive is not very courteous.

I’m sorry, but people breaking out into loud laughter in small quarters is extremely irritating. One of my coworkers is constantly laughing loudly and I hate her for it. Not because I despise joy, but I despise her completely ruining my concentration and disrupting my phone calls.

I had a feeling I’d be called a buzzkill for this. But that’s usually what happens when people are too self-centered to notice they’re disturbing others and someone dares to remind them they’re not in a bubble.

I have a kid so I tend to hate child free spaces, buuuut a wine train really should be a baby free zone.

But were they so disruptive that they were making it hard for other people to enjoy their wine? That’s my question. How loud were they compared to everybody else? One of the things about going to place where people get drunk is dealing with people being, well, drunk. Some people get loud, think everything is funny,

‘Yes, it is a bar, a bar on wheels.’”