judith shakespeare

Shut up with that bullshit. “White/normal people”? Check yourself, dude.

I had the same reaction and I appreciate your honesty and thoughtfulness - it helps me work through my own bullshit.

Dany supposedly can’t have any more babies, but we’ll see what happens in the final season.

Bob Evans? Dennys?

At the very least, she remembers what she said to him about the monsters eating him. And she left a cookie on his grave - nobody has said that yet. Pretty poignant.

Are you my daughter? :)

But....that’s his real name! He’s a scumbag, though.

However long you end up being a scout leader, you better NEVER use force. Smh...

There was an expert on CNN yesterday talking about this, and she pointed out what a disaster it is to raise the stakes like this - it causes teens to lose face in front of their peers and makes it more likely that the situation will escalate. She said she good think of 20 strategies off the top of her head that would

I saw the same on FB, but Abel was spelled “Able”. :)

Sure, make fun of a medical condition. That’s cool.

Why don’t you keep it to yourself then?

Yes. Acne is a sometimes-chronic medical condition. Not cool.

Can we move those goalposts to women over 50? I really think that this is a Baby Boomer issue (then again, I’ll take every opportunity to blame BB’s for something).

Our university is having some sort of Native American-themed food day in one of the cafes...

You do realize that the people who did that were not Gen X-er's, right?



There's Amy Bishop - the Biology prof who didn't get tenure and shot up her department meeting - but she's an outlier - it's mostly young men.