
By regulations; by DOJ policy; by blah, blah.

As Mueller stated “The Constitution requires other process other than the criminal justice system to accuse a sitting president.

I think it’s telling that Mueller, known for his reticence toward breaking ranks, said, “Charging the President was not something we could consider.” The implicit subtext of that statement is, “Had he been anyone else, this dude would’ve been run up for obstruction with the quickness.”

The truth—unpleasant as it is—is

Just and fyi I know 2 people that had to work with Corden and apparently he’s awful. Like a needy demanding asshole and I feel like it comes through on his show sometimes. Fallon just drinks a lot, but people seem to kind of like him normally. I’ve got nothing on Kimmel.

Stephen Colbert and John Oliver are the only people worth watching on television at all.

Neither of The Two Jimmies are funny, talented, or watchable. I can’t stand Kimmel or Fallon. They’re both an embarrassment to watch.   And James Corden is almost as bad.

Anti-women. Always has any always will.

Except if they’re clumps of cells inside a womb.  THEN they’re sacred and must be protected at all costs.

So what exactly does Pro-Life mean?

2019 Chip Roy: “Dead kids are fine, who cares.”


I don’t think anybody’s putting Jr. on a pedastal here, just rightly pointing out the fact that even a kiddie-diddler in AL somehow got a verbal smack-down from an idiot like Don Jr.

Rich, but also correct.

I think people are getting a little ahead of themselves in thinking Little Donny’s power is enough to sway the masses when you consider in 2017 Fuckface and the establishment got fully behind Luther Strange and Moore still beat him in the primary.

As much as I hate Roy Moore for his decades-long assault on all that is good and right, making me agree with DJT jr may be his worst offense.

Only slightly more humiliating than losing an argument to a coma patient. Just slightly.

Shit, losing a twitter war to Don Jr.

“Running for office should never become a business model. If you actually care about #MAGA more than your own ego, it’s time to ride off into the sunset, Judge.”

Ah yes, that’s definitely the problem here. It’s people who are the most woke who hate the homeless.

A convenient and self-serving thesis from one of this site’s conservative trolls.