
I'm just saying that most of his publications related to this posting are about the predictive value of these interactions which says nothing about if changing these behaviors can improve the stability of marriage. Just take a look at hist publications (Abstracts here:…)

First of all Gottman's statistics aren't as good as he claims because he doesn't differentiate between false positives and false negatives and the divorce rate in the US is already approximately 50%. So, his ~94% prediction rate is quite as good as it appears. There are also claims that he hasn't done a great job

"that happy couples have five positive interactions for every negative one, versus the 0.8 positive interactions for every negative one that divorced couples go through"

Notebooks are more limited than tags in that a note can have many tags but only be in a single notebook. Its like the difference between folders and tags for organizing email (except folders do have an advantage in that they can be organized hierarchically).

All I got was: "Page not found" and "No words found."

Some food for the troll:

This isn't a "power glove" in the traditional sense (something that detects changes in finger and hand position). This is a glove with a mouse glued onto the palm.

Apple Extended Keyboard II - I wish they still made them...

"Schrader" is a valve type. This definition is a bad cut and paste job from "Crank"

I grew up on the east coast. Lived in LA for 15 years. Moved to New England.

The Apple Lightning Cable which came with my iPhone got flaky after 10 months (you have to wiggle it to get it to work) and I replaced it with a Monoprice cable. The housing on the monoprice cable is bulkier which I'm hoping means it is more robust. I've been using it for a couple months. So far so good and over

"OtterBox is best-known for huge, unbreakable cases:

clear tape

The TI Professional, 1983. It was almost IBM compatable (but not quite). It had high res graphics - A full 720 x 350!

Sounds like this will get soot on the sensor, eventually damaging the detector.

I 2nd the recommendation. Its a great, easy, flexible, free service that has reliably provided persistent disposable email addressed for years.

That "harness" is not safe for that cat. A harness is supposed to distribute weight over the body. With that harness, if the cat falls out of a tree it can choke.

You really need some sort of setting to make the images smaller. Half the window is mediocre stock photographs. It would be one thing if this was a photography website or if the pictures were really a feature but they are pretty much filler - filler that is taking up half the screen and making me scroll all over the

"A cradle … is less convenient when talking on the phone, as you need to use a Bluetooth headset or speakerphone while in use."

"Don't Be Afraid to Create Lots of Notes and Notebooks" I went the other way. I used to have many notebooks but I merged them all together. I use tags to keep things organized and don't see the point in a notebook (tags can do everything a notebook can do but notebooks are more limited than tags).