
Aww, the first single off the album isn’t “Party Monkey”?

I collaborate with myself all the time. And despite what my mother told me, I haven’t went blind.  

I think a streamer’s interest was Costner’s expectation, but then none of them bit, so this is his “Fuck it, we’ll do it live”

Ok but have you considered being an old white guy who likes to watch World War 2 documentaries while he falls asleep in front of the TV at 7pm?

Im sorry, this movie is 3 hours and part 1 of 4 with no guarantee anything else will get funded? By the man behind Waterworld?

I can’t wait for the show to run headfirst into the proverbial train station wall that is Very Expensive Show meets Diminishing Returns meets David ‘tax break’ Zaslav meets Half the Old Audience Won’t Be Watching Because Joanne Is A Tool

Yes I do often hear of hate crimes against transphobes, where Transwomen beat little old ladies with brickbats while saying “CALL ME A WOMAN!”

She’s a bigot. When your bigotry alienates people who used to respect you, the only people left are other bigots. The bigotry of the other bigots reinforces and intensifies your bigotry. That’s basically how racist Facebook uncles are born.

Or she is just an asshole. Hard to separate out all that 

“Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the transphobes!”

Man if there’s one thing you can say for JK Rowling it’s that she doesn’t rest on her laurels. Nope, she’s out there showing her whole ass all day every day.

Just imagine how fucked WB’s finances are that they’re still hanging onto doing business with her.

I don’t know that this recap of West’s career is totally accurate - unless you’re in the vocal “it’s boring” camp, House of the Devil is a major improvement on the 80s movies it’s riffing - the slow pace and long pauses increase the tension, rather than padding the runtime. As much as I love X, it’s also a clever

“Havana” is a genuinely pretty great pop song.

Or how they felt about having to be quiet about what was about to happen.

I was sure 95% Yord would die, 50% that Jecki would, and 25% that even Sol might.

Now I know why he was always in baggy clothes because HIS ARMS! Sweet baby Jesus, his arms. ::drool:: Also, this episode ruled.

This is probably a lukewarm take by now, but Finn Jones’ Iron Fist was way more tolerable outside his own show.

I think you guys maybe overthinking this just a bit...

Wow, such a negative take. I actually thought it was pretty damn funny. It had some creative worldbuilding, Chris Evans is always fun as an asshole, and even the logo is nifty!