
I can’t wait for the show to run headfirst into the proverbial train station wall that is Very Expensive Show meets Diminishing Returns meets David ‘tax break’ Zaslav meets Half the Old Audience Won’t Be Watching Because Joanne Is A Tool

Yes I do often hear of hate crimes against transphobes, where Transwomen beat little old ladies with brickbats while saying “CALL ME A WOMAN!”

She’s a bigot. When your bigotry alienates people who used to respect you, the only people left are other bigots. The bigotry of the other bigots reinforces and intensifies your bigotry. That’s basically how racist Facebook uncles are born.

Or she is just an asshole. Hard to separate out all that 

“Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the transphobes!”

Man if there’s one thing you can say for JK Rowling it’s that she doesn’t rest on her laurels. Nope, she’s out there showing her whole ass all day every day.

Just imagine how fucked WB’s finances are that they’re still hanging onto doing business with her.

I don’t know that this recap of West’s career is totally accurate - unless you’re in the vocal “it’s boring” camp, House of the Devil is a major improvement on the 80s movies it’s riffing - the slow pace and long pauses increase the tension, rather than padding the runtime. As much as I love X, it’s also a clever

“Havana” is a genuinely pretty great pop song.

That reason is usually cocaine.

Well, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.

I wil never forgive him for making the Kardashians famous through the power of his penis and her gigantic ass.

There was an interview with Ray J a while back were he said, with all sincerity, that that sex tape was one of the most significant things to ever happen in history.

“There might not be any OnlyFans and all the things like that. All the opportunities like that. Probably more people would be going to college.”

Charli XCX is great. She opened for Sleigh Bells about 12 years ago and patted my head after the show because she saw me getting kicked in the noggin by a crowdsurfer.

I really wanted the alligator.

If I was the sort of person who thought it was a reasonable idea to purchase an alligator, logic and reason have already exited stage left so...

“I don’t have Stockholm Syndrome, master Elon told me I don’t!” -CT owners, probably

In the apology video, Diddy’s invocations of God/religion as it relates to notions of forgiveness are particularly disgusting. Anybody who falls for that with a “Who are we to judge” and/or “let he who cast the first stone” is a POS in my book.

Sure - but that’s why a reasonable, responsible, company will take measured steps and not market their CyberTruck as the ultimate do anything, go anywhere, conquer everything uber-vehicle. Hell - based on the ranges people are getting, their half-cooked release isn’t even good at the very thing Tesla is expected to