
When I played it, and I got to the bit where you’re wandering around the farmhouse at night before heading back to Seattle, I damn near stopped playing the game right there, rather than actually make that decision. I knew what it would mean at the end of the game.

I get being done with that shit, and that’s a valid position to take.

It’s not like TLOU2 is easier to stomach, either. I have friends who tapped out at a certain point and refused to play any more, because they felt really manipulated, and that’s valid too. But for my money, TLOU2 is one of those sequels that makes

This is really interesting to me, because Fey was just on Seth Meyers and they talked about how some of their writing for SNL hasn’t aged well. You would think she would be more conscious of how something like this would land, both in present day and in the future. It’s a weird joke in either context, tbh. It’s

But, as far as the story goes, it’s a little too soon for me”

I like how committed Ms. Edebiri is to the bit, and that everyone else — with one clear exceptionis happy to go along and have some fun.

Oh, and there’s a plug for the TV series. So not really a review but a long-form ad.

This is the worst such incident since the “Brando has dank balls” fiasco of 1959!

Go read this version: 

How about next time you review the game instead of using us for therapy? You told me nothing about the remaster except that it exists and has a new game mode.

Hey, if a bunch of little dipshits can swarm into Boston and pretend they’re Irish around St. Pat’s Day every second semester of every school year, who am I to judge?

that’s not true there’s also some ancillary covid filler.

This review barely has any focus on the differences between game versions, which is kind of a waste since we can just read the general reviews from four years ago.

She’s better representation than Graham Linehan, I’ll tell you that much.

We factually, for an absolute undeniable provable fact, have more options than ever.

This reads like bad AI

First of all, you okay, buddy? You’re awful wound up.

Secondly, in what possible way are they wrong? Are you seriously saying that it’s just as possible to go to a music store or video store and buy a DVD/CD/Blu Ray as it was 10 years ago? You seen a mall lately? Been to a Best Buy to peruse their “media section”?

much ado about nothing

“Got comfortable” and “Begrudgingly accepted the lack of alternatives” are two very different things.

I played it on my PS2. Shrug.

I hope it becomes a recurring trend. Exclusivity clauses are bullshit. Just let me play games on my preferred platform/service.