“That trailer, of course, is now the stuff of legend, with fan-favorite moments...”
“That trailer, of course, is now the stuff of legend, with fan-favorite moments...”
It’s been a while since I’ve seen the fake Grindhouse trailer, but I kinda remember someone fucking a cooked turkey? Did that happen?
That's got to be worth at least one more season of GLOW.
“well-known YouTube star” is an oxymoron.
I’m a white man who has benefited greatly from my privilege over the years (even if I haven’t always been aware of it) so I know my voice probably shouldn’t be the loudest on this issue, but my god even I’m sick of how many talentless white men have infested this industry I love.
Yeah, what cunt decided that?
One is the clinically accepted name for that body part and the other is slang.
They always have the option of just not explaining why he looks different, like Don Cheadle and Mark Ruffalo.
The console wars have nothing to do with Starfield not being a contender. I always buy every console, and I’d say I even lean towards preferring the Xbox just because of how much I love my Elite V2 controller.
I installed Skyrim over the weekend, saw it was on Gamepass thought ah well screw it. Installed some graphic mods, started playing..... And I lost 3 hours! LOL
Starfield was not ghosted, it wasn't deserving.
That’s because Starfield is the definition of mediocre, and for the budget and time spent pathetically empty.
Why should it get nods at the VGAs? Indie titles are more engaging. It’s supposed to be recognized why, exactly? A gigantic balloon budget and a celebrity game director?
Maybe? But I feel like they set themselves up for it. Microsoft literally described Starfield as one of the most important RPGs ever made, and then it barely even made the list of nominees. I think if they’re going to oversell it like that it’s fair to call them out.
Look, I don’t want to be annoying about it, but RE4 has no business being up for game of the year. It’s a fantastic facelife, but it isn’t a new game. The same goes for Deadspace (which, FWIW, I think was always a more interesting action horror game than RE4), and I’m glad that one didn’t get nominated.
Starfield honestly lacked the charm of skyrim or fallout. I think it was mainly an issue in how you traveled. It was all insta-teleport which removed most of the exploration wonder that it could have been.
What, there’s no category for ‘game that managed to completely meet everyone’s expectations both positive and negative?’ No award for ‘game that contained not a single surprise’? Voted number one in the category of ‘sure is the kind of game you’d expect this company to make in 2023 without any internal shakeups or…
While I loved the last episode of Loki, I’m pretty fucking pissed that no one is talking about Doom Patrol. Beautiful ending.
I was absolutely bawling while watching the series finale on Thursday. Just a well-done emotional cap to an excellent run that stands on its own. One of my favorite streaming shows ever.
In the dozen years he’s been acting as Loki, he’s made 20 non-Marvel films.
Rockstar’s math is correct, Kotaku fluffed that detail.