
Discrimination is a problem. So is racism. Both are still a problem today. But to be so naïve to think that white people are facing a significant amount of either compared to every other group of people that has been openly discriminated against for hundreds of years is wild.

Those poor, disenfranchised, denigrated and downtrodden white people. All the years of oppression and racism that they had to face. So sad. /sarcasm

I wouldn’t have cared if they kept their mouths shut about it but that was such a terrible response that now I am slightly perturbed lol diversity is great but some stories don’t inherently need it. I watched and enjoyed The Northman and never thought to myself “where are all the people of color?” because it made

Saloum should be on this list in my opinion. It is a strange movie and not really horror at all but it is very interesting, well acted and inventive in certain aspects. Loved it and will watch anything that the people who made it are involved in next.

I heard they’re rebranding and renovating the spot but it still looks the same every time I’m down there lol

Definitely going to try and catch them when they come to Baltimore.

I finally saw it lol at least his death wasn’t overly mean or gratuitous. He honestly had one of the quicker, humane ones. I thought the ‘gator was going to get him that whole scene.


I saw this and was waiting for a punchline but it’s cool he’s serious. I think of it like the “producer” term for films. Sometimes that means someone who knows how to make films and comes on and adds their critique and professional experience to the project and other times it’s just someone who likes films and has

Give her something more to do! I feel like she has been way too underutilized. Her movie was her playing as a pretty blank person, but there was an actual story reason for that (Jude Law’s character trained her to be rather emotionless) but she needs to break out of that. I liked her movie and the character but she’s

Been watching the videos that dive into each character and how they play/how best to use them and I am mad excited for this one. Can’t wait to play this.

I actually think that in 1 in 10 of the pickup basketball games I’ve played throughout my life someone with ridiculous skills randomly showed up and made us all look bad lol

It was cheesy as hell but it wasn’t that bad...and the game still looks pretty cool so idk lol

Every now and then there’s a game concept that is just so ridiculous that I am automatically in love with it. This is one of those instances.

The trailer looked great, though? Like, it looks fun, adventurous and not too serious, how is that bad? Sheesh.

If that’s one of the silliest things you’ve read then that is nice, I’ve read much sillier stuff. But yeah, in terms of trust, I do not trust either Sony or Facebook but I know for certain Facebook is doing stuff with my data that I’m not into. Sony is Sony and I’ve had their products since PS2 so I kinda don’t mind

Yes! But yeah, I bet they’re going to drag their feet on that as long as possible.

I was going to get one of these until I read about the forced Facebook integration. I’m holding out for the PSVR2 in hopes that it is a quality VR headset that can also somehow be used on PC. I’m sure someone will figure out that soon after it comes out if it’s not already able to do so.

How hard is it to write out the games underneath the video? As someone who makes and updates websites, I already know the answer.

Yeah, that wasn’t too smart. He was probably banking on getting to tell the big multi-movie story he wanted (maybe it would’ve connected nicely in the end) but he should’ve just made good, singular movies that COULD connect down the line. The best post Nolan DC movies have mostly been like that, imo.