
I remember really liking this when I watched it back in the day. It was pretty damn weird. And horny. Which was pretty much where I was at during that time too.

Honestly, they look pretty awesome. A neat retro-future vibe. Reminds me a lil of Marty’s shoes from BTTF2. I would definitely get these if they were in my size and I had the $$.

I just finished upgrading my RAM...again...for the second time in a couple weeks. I’ve been thinking about upgrading the cooling as well. I already upgraded the storage. I may have a problem too.

Don’t think the majority of people (who are also people of color) are demanding that they maker her skin look lighter. They just want the lighting to properly highlight different skin tones. I do photography and I always make sure to get everyones skin tone looking good, even though the majority of editing software is

Pretty sure he’s talking about the review at the bottom of the games metacritic page.

After seeing the gameplay reveal a while back I felt like it looked a little underwhelming. But I’m a big enough samurai/Japanese history fan that I think I’ll enjoy this enough regardless.

It’s honestly one of the best single-player fps experiences I’ve had in recent memory. I found it for like $5 at a Dollar Store ‘round the way last year and I loved it. Haven’t tried the multiplayer (mostly because I figured no one was really still playing) but that single player was a damn masterpiece in forward momen

I really like Black Lagoon but I don’t see it mentioned too often.

I actually like it. I’m into it because it looks different than every other console so that’s interesting. It stands out for sure. I’m here for weird/different designs that don’t strive to look like everything else/just another box or rectangle hooked up to the TV.

Clicked expecting a written article.

Dang, I didn’t realize so many people felt like this game was mediocre or just “okay”. It’s definitely not technically astounding or anything but I’m really enjoying it. 

forreal? racism agains whites? That doesn’t exist. White people created racism. gtfoh you pos. You’re probably racist your damn self.

On one hand, I feel like most companies and corporations are just doing this for the PR, to not look like they’re the only ones ignoring the situations. On the other hand, the fact that they feel it’s necessary to comment on the situation at all is bringing more light to it, and shows that they realize it may eff up


Agreed. The violence in the first game was a part of building out the world, themes, story and characters. It was ugly, but it was meant to be so. I haven’t played the second game (obviously) so I don’t know if they’ll use the idea of violence and its gameplay implementations in the same way but I will wait to

“People didn’t love the first game for the killing aspects or the zombies.”

Nice, thanks!

I’d be into attempting to recreate something in that style. I’m quarantined, of course, so I’m up for learning new skills, hobbies and whatnot. Recently went through Nikon’s online photography classes because they made them free for folks due to the coronavirus. Was a nice way to revisit that info and made me want to

I know, right! I wish I knew how to make stuff like that. 

Would cop but I don’t have an XBOX. If this deal is on PS4, I’ll take advantage.

Would cop but I don’t have an XBOX. If this deal is on PS4, I’ll take advantage.