
Only had blue balls twice...never want to go through that again. The first time it felt like it lasted for 3 days....masturbation did not help at all.

I was hoping the shooting would be more weighty and satisfying than it looks in those clips. Max Payne 3 nailed that (even though Remedy didn’t make it) so I was hoping this would follow suit but it looks more light and floaty like the Infamous games. When you dove around and shot people in Max Payne 3 you could

But they literally dedicated about 2 and a half minutes to that. Out of like 150. Get over it.

The movie was good. Get over it.

Dying Light

Maybe they won’t begin work on another GTA until this mystery is solved...Or maybe there is no mystery at all. What a twist!

I’ve wanted the first two since PS3. The third one is nice. Most my friends only play on weekends so now we can at least set up sessions and be reminded about it. The rest are cool too, except for the Dailymotion one since I don’t see myself ever getting any use out of that.

Really wish this was coming to PS4.

BMO!!!! Love that guy.

Don’t you ever make a title like that again unless it’s true.

and eyes.

Max Payne is one of my favorite gaming series. This might be the game that convinces me to buy an Xbox One.

Damn, I had forgotten about this. Thanks for bringing back all the feels.

Still making my way through Bloodborne. Might try to finish Bulletstorm real quick as well. And Battlefield 4 is always nice in-between.

Lol he doesn’t want to do that shit anymore, but they want to make money off an already well established property. Happens all the time.

I’ll wait until 2017 to see how this VR stuff goes down....some of it looks interesting but not $600 interesting.

This one is definitely better.

Hahahaha it’s an interactive movie....that doesn’t even require any interaction.

I’ll link you to the livestream when it starts.

Hmmm...I’m now tempted to find a way to make fire more fire-y...