
You know, the place you go get coffee and maybe some game or toy for “your kids”. Seriously, the local B&N is now half toys, games, pretty much anything but books.

BTW.... #METOO was started by this woman:

Yeah my delivery was poor as hell unfortunately :(

Congratulations. Here’s your Peak White Feminism trophy. Take it quickly before we run out; there are a lot of contenders in the comments today.

She’s right.

Well, I can’t sit on the subway in a coat for 30 seconds without dying of sweat. I look at everybody else who just rides as usual, and I have to hold my giant winter coat under my arm like a pud. Hair is solid though.

As a person who has had to teach numerous newborn foals where the milk is, horses most certainly do have udders.

Cheaply printed pamphlets. I am so in.

Now, you might be saying to yourself, Lindsey, the Dove 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner is $6.49 on To that I say: 2-in-1 hair products aren’t real. They are a sham and a scam, and any rational person can and should look at these 2-in-1 bottles and realize that shampoo and conditioner do different things.

Along those lines, instead of vaseline or chapstick you should just use the horse udder ointment.

i love that it’s a chubby white guy yelling at a woman and a black man about this.

You’re lucky. I have super-fine, straight hair that becomes greasy and clumps together if I don’t shampoo it daily. And before one of the BRO YOU DON’T REALLY NEED TO WASH YOUR HAIR people chime in, I’ve done week-long camping trips and such where I actually haven’t washed it for 7 days straight, and it only becomes

Also I’m just now seeing that I apparently replied to you by accident about human/dog adoption, when I had intended that comment for moomimworld. Sorry if that was confusing!

We had a neighbor with a JRT when I was growing up, and while that dog was amusing from a distance I’d have hated living with him. He used to find clever ways to sneak into our house and steal my dog’s toys, and bite when we tried to take them back. So much for purebred dogs from breeders not having behavioral issues!

Horse conditioner? On my hair? I vote Neigh.

I don’t think they believe Doug Jones wants to kill all babies, so much as they want to make Alabama voters believe it.

Also relevant to her argument.

“What about all the people Roy Moore hasn’t molested!?!”

Wow. So they think that Democrats want to kill unborn babies, willy-nilly, up to a second before birth?? I guess this explains why they’d rather have Moore, because its either a child rapist or a baby killer.

Lady’s got a point. Most of the country’s women have not accused Roy Moore of hitting on them as teenagers. In fact, 100% of unborn women, if we—if we’re talking unborn children women—which is what we really should care about, the unborn women in this country that Democrats are trying to murder—100% of unborn women