
A resident (and probably a hell of a lot more than just one) of your southern neighbor appreciates your willingness to help!

I had a couple very “liberal feminist” acquaintances who openly gloated about the lack of violence at the women’s march. One said basically ‘Violence: it’s not a race thing, it’s a male thing.” and the other was straight up ‘see, black lives matter? THIS is how it’s done.’ and I had to just turn the internet off for

I am that baby elephant today.

Like this guy who wants to make amends for ruining the life of a woman over $2. Which, was her weekly goddamn salary. Granted, this is roughly 1930, but $2 a week is still obscene.

I had an Uber driver a few months back who was from, I think Ethiopia? He told me but I can’t remember. Anyway, he managed to get here 7 years ago, and has been trying since to get his family over. He has a wife and 2 kids who finally got permission to come to America. It took SEVEN GODDAMN YEARS. He was hoping they

If you need more cuteness relief without the guilt of zoo sadness, you should check out kpunkka on Instagram. It’s a regular bright spot in my day.

This video that came out of The Netherlands is also delightful.

I really don’t think many of them WANT to preserve the republic. They want to be in charge, and that’s it. They don’t give a fuck about democracy.

They were primarily forestry type seasonal jobs, but yeah the hiring freeze is probably just going to make everything everyone hates about the government worse, and cost us more! yay!

I know several people who were like “yay federal hiring freeze! Drain the swamp! Oh wait, that includes my seasonal government job? Fuck! I should’ve voted for Clinton!”

I love how so many white dudes are like “If you don’t want to/can’t pay for an abortion, don’t have sex!” at the same time as “if you protest because we murdered a citizen, we’ll make you pay for it!”

I 100% expect Trump and his cronies to try to build part of the wall in actual Mexico and make shit even worse.

I’ve called once and sent a few emails and get a form letter in return. Pat Toomey gives no shits about Philadelphia so Philadelphia should give its shits to Toomey. Constantly. Literally. Figuratively. All of the above.

I wish I could give you extra stars for the addition of “aka Pat Toomey is a Shit Weasle” because that is 100%.

That, and do we really think any other nominee is going to be better? I mean, Ben Carson is a BAD nominee, but if he fails, who will take his place? Not like Trump is going to pull a 180 and suddenly nominate someone who is even remotely fit for the job.

The only difference is now it’s not JUST Trump, it’s his entire administration that is going to do everything to prevent Melania from stepping out of line. If anything, it’s going to make things even harder, if (and I don’t know if this is the case or not) she is in an abusive relationship and wants to leave.

A friend’s husband is out of a job come summer, and most of the people he works/ed with are huge Trump supporters, until they realized they were out of a job and now they’re all wishing they’d voted for Clinton. Can’t say I didn’t tell you all, because I mother fucking did and so did literally millions and millions of

They also don’t care about the children. They want to force women to give birth, then scream about personal responsibility and boot straps and not give those kids any fucking help what so ever.

And showing up ONCE is not good enough.

I think a large part of the problem was not *just* “where have you been” but also the idea that a HUGE majority of these women will be a one-and-done. They’ll brag about the lack of arrests, how successful the protest was, and share photos from this march for weeks, and not do a single other thing except demand pats