
I don’t know you, so I can’t say whether or not you deserve to be hated. But based on this whiny comment, I doubt you are as for gender equality as you claim. I don’t hate you, but I do feel a certain measure of disdain for your need to take the “I hate men” comment so completely literally.

Absolutely, and I’ve been saying this for years. Men who grew up believing that if they covet it, they deserve it, and when shit doesn’t go their way, they’re incapable of accepting it.

This isn’t a simple case of hormones and “boys will be boys.” This is an ingrained societal believe that men are more than women. That women belong to men and by the sheer existence of a penis, they have the right to dictate the life and death of those who “belong” to them. It’s reinforced through religion, politics,

Sure, women do bad things. But 98% of mass shootings are men, and 89% of murders are committed by men, and men account for about 80% of arrests for violent crimes, according to the DOJ.

You’re right, and I’ve always appreciated Jennifer Aniston for both her general refusal to acknowledge these ridiculous articles, and when she does to do so tastefully and honestly. Like I said at the end, her comments were pretty refreshing to me, and all I was trying to do was generally interpret the article’s

Absolutely. And I wish this article had maybe been written highlighting someone other than Aniston’s most recent comments. I think of all the privileged white actresses, Aniston should probably get a slightly larger pass than most. Generally because she has received an outsized burden regarding her womb and marriage

I also didn’t realize/think through my use of examples all being black women. That was not my intention, and you’re absolutely right. I don’t think black/minority/etc. people need a white person to speak up for them, and if that’s how my comment came off, I apologize.

I saw the title and the photo, and thought to myself “That girl is way too young to be a first lady. I mean, I know it’s Indiana, but that’s fucked up.”

Very valid point.

I absolutely agree with you, but you’re standing up for *other people* who do NOT benefit from the standards, which is very commendable, and I’m sure, much appreciated. My concern is when people stand up for themselves, when they themselves benefit from those standards, and are generally silent when it comes to others

It makes sense that it was remade/rebooted, to me. It was an iconic movie, it’s been over 30 years, and why not?

I think part of the problem the article is attempting to bring to light, is a large part of the white female actresses who are “fighting against” societal beauty standards, are the women who fit, benefit, and profit from these standards.

My next recommended article after clicking this link was a recipe for buttered toast for the NY Times. Buttered. Toast.

Cut bread with axe. Is there another way to cut bread?

I think he's trying to imply something about generosity or kindness or something. No matter what it's dumb AF.

But if it didn't happen to HIM it couldn't possibly have happened to anyone else!!!!

Thank you for sharing this bit of history!

I was vegetarian for a while, but my love of sushi and all things seafood won out. I still only eat meat products a few times a week, if that. I’m on the road usually 4 days a week, so it can be really hard to know where the food I’m eating is coming from, which means eating more veggies.

We have an unlimited supply of thoughts and prayers because we forgot how to do anything that could actually make a difference.

I LOVE llamas. They are such little assholes in the best way.