
actually, it is totally about him.

If...focus on the IF is not true-then it absolutely is about hurting him. If it IS true-then it’s a different story.

Crazy question. What if he’s the one telling the truth and her, “I dont want to deal with the stress’s of the trial” was just an excuse because she knew she was in the wrong?

Edited to fix a misspelling RIGHT THERE IN THE FUCKING HEADLINE.

There were more people in that fight than in all of Camden Yards tonight. Including players.

Even more so because Harden was the 6th man in OKC. If he didn’t improve as a starter ( and offensive focal point ) it would have been shocking.

by ex teammates getting better do you mean Kevin Durant and James Harden, two of the best five or so players in the league? Because if you do, that argument rings a little hollow.

Long Live Gawker!

Kevin Ware in the Final 4 is the worst I’ve ever seen.

Seeing as United supporters are seated on the opposite side of the field, its a good indication it came from the home side in the direction of Ashley Young.

That’s right. It’s an issue of historical context and how that shapes the meaning of the words we use. That word coming from the mouth of a white person has an inherently different meaning than it does coming from a black person. That’s what linguists call the connotative meaning of a word; the meaning it acquires

I basically lost 80% of faith in old white people when Don Imus saying “nappy headed ho’s” turned into “rappers should stop saying the n-word”.

“This is a teachable moment,” Sung told the Times-Dispatch. “It’s not something that we’re proud of. The team is very apologetic and sorry. There’s nobody of any color that should say it. Period. There’s nobody that should say it.”

It’s pretty stupid to sing this. It’s pretty stupid to record it and post it online. But as stupid as these kids were, I find it hard to believe that they’re malicious. I’ve never heard this song before, because I’ve crossed into Old Man territory, but these are, in fact, lyrics in the song. That doesn’t excuse it,

Hating on black people is always a “teachable moment.” shooting black people is a “teachable moment.” Putting innocent black people in jail is a “teachable moment.” When will there be a teachable moment about respecting people of color? Or treating us equally?

Yes, except for Gonzaga which from the innovation of the concept of mid-majors has been excluded due to their supreme resources.

Gonzaga elevated themselves out of mid-majordom sometime around their fifth-straight NCAA tournament bid in 2003. Their basketball program alone spends twice as much as Loyola’s entire athletics department.

Sounds like these guys need a union.

Must be a lot of NCAA fans up at Blizzard HQ!

What an odd way for the Giants to start an even year.