
This is a really great angle on this story! This line, in particular, is fire:

You’re actually making shit up. At what point did I say that her letter was the best way to make sense of her tenure? I’m comparing an anonymously sourced Buzzfeed article against a signed, public letter that people can then fact check, as well as program descriptions from PP. And, after I tried to source your claim,

That Buzzfeed report is so shady that I can’t see around it. That thing reads like fucking spin copy for the board, angry staffers, etc. I’m under the impression that PP’s beltway group — because the organization isn’t a hive mind, and there are factions — didn’t like the focus and resources shifting from DC lobbying

Yeah, this gaffe came off to me as “Biden is an atrocious public speaker, who also happened to implode when faced with his own stupid remarks,” rather than “look at old person old.” This article smacks of ageism, as if what you and I propose is somehow an improbable explanation. Obviously, old people can’t govern,

Also AP’s kids at therapy in seven years? Eeeeh.😬

Since when did Deadspin’s comment section turn into ESPN?

Could be, but probably not. I just did a quick scan of ProPublica for the tax status of a handful of locals — SEIU 503, 32BJ, 888, UAW 1069, and UFCW 1776. They were all listed as 501 (c) 5s or 9s.

They are non-profits, 501(c) 5s to be specific.

What you’re saying is basically the same line that liberals have been pushing since the 1990s. Injustice is fundamentally about color or whatever other category of difference, not shifting material conditions, ie, there’s no history, just identities and pre-determined psychologies. What are the outcomes? Psychopatholog

Thanks for your awesome reply!

What’s a disaster socialist? The only places I’m seeing it bandied about re Brexit are British libertarian rags. Based on your past commentary re Labour and Corbyn, I’m curious, where do you place yourself on the Brit political spectrum?


I lived here the past six years, and this isn’t the first time I’ve heard a story similar to yours. Hattie’s somehow managed to Restoration-Hardware their way to the top of the hot chicken market, eclipsing the decades of black Nashvillians making and eating it. For a history of hot chicken, check out https://bittersou

I don’t know, man. I’m not optimistic that in this climate anything of substance will pass. The Rs are convinced that anything to the left of Bill Clinton=oblivion. If anything, we’ll see “hopes and prayers” laws that are just secret lists of folks with mental illnesses.

Bernie’s answer is cringey, I think, for other reasons. That said, what would be an effective, satisfactory answer to a question as ambiguous as “what will you do about racism? What special considerations will you give to x group? How do you solve systemic racism

So, I’m a historian of medicine and part of my work covers experiments with bed bugs as biosensors at Aberdeen Proving Grounds. AMA.

FYI, I didn’t read your comment, but instead just scrolled to the bottom to bring to your attention that you insulted me and told me I wasn’t no worth your time...then wrote a novella in response. A week after our last interaction. I’m confused.

Oh, yeah, cool. I took the time to respond to half-assed, semi-literate shrieks into the night. But I’m the douchebag. Right.

Wha??? Intersectionality is, from my historian’s perspective, theoretical hogwash. The same way that EP Thompson mocked Louis Althusser for his mechanical understanding of class, leftists should recognize the weakness of intersectionality. Or, as Adolph Reed has put it, “who the fuck cares about disparity?” The point

Man, that thing has layers like an onion, and each of them is making me cry with joy.