
That /is/ the conversation, though. Yeah, it's probably a really stupid business decision but they're allowed to make it so who cares? If Chase wants to treat every former sex worker like Hester than they can do it, at the cost of losing customers. But that's their right just like it's your right to go do your

"Mocking might be a little douchey,"

Then wouldn't if have made sense to write about this tragedy from that perspective, rather than chewing it up and spitting it out nearly verbatim from all of the other news outlets reporting on it?

I set mine out the night before. Smaller commitment, I guess. I get to sleep in longer if I don't have to spend time foraging through my closet and drawers though!

Ah, good old Charlie!

Here, here! I know not all libertarian viewpoints are suitable for a feminists palate, but yeah, most of us agree that gov't should keep its nose out of those types of issues are re pro-choice. I realize this is anecdotal, but maybe there will be some statistics in the future that reflect this!

But all of the positive benefits of quitting keep me from bumming a smoke from the kids hanging around "butt-huts" on the campus I work at!

I quit three years ago this month and the warm-weather-needa-smoke cravings don't get any better.

I occasionally work from home! So I'm not a full-time from-home-worker but I work in IT at one of the SUNY colleges (state university of new york). My official title is "online instructional assistant" and my job, whether at home or not, involves fielding and resolving help desk tickets, creating documentation, and

If the letter preceding the "y" is a vowel you form the plural by adding s...monkeys.

And the oil worked better than the amlactin? I'm genuinely curious as someone who also has probably mild KP. I didn't even know what it was until a few months ago. I guess I've always thought that using oils would clog my pores more.

I've read that this happens because the boot is flat, forcing the impact of each step into the inside arch of the foot. So this inevitably causes ugg-wearers to walk more on the inside of their foot. I also think it probably has to do with the way individual people's walking patterns and stuff are but who knows.

To add onto this, when the Winter Olympics were held in the United States we glossed over some defining, but not so savory, parts of our countries history during the opening ceremonies and nobody was up in arms about our "rose-colored glasses."

I'm with you on the socks. Instead of doing laundry I used to just buy new socks (yeah that's probably wasteful but whatever).

Just a quick tip with the layering of socks..don't overdo it! Especially with thick wool can make your feet colder because you're actually cutting off circulation to your tootsies!

I was just making a point, not saying that your personal circumstance was your entire point. What I am saying is that the world is not a college campus, and eating healthier food, while, yeah, it's not as readily available everywhere, is cheaper than eating junk food. So like I said before, eating healthier is

I fully comprehend what you've said. "Healthy food should be more attainable blah blah," to paraphrase. I get it. If, then, you know what gas stations have to offer, why not bring some fruit or veggies to snack on with you?
And I'd go as far as to say that the example of your college's prices is a moot point,

That junk food is "cheap as hell and highly available"? Don't think so.

I know I'm going to stick down in the grays with this comment, but this piece of legislation is/would be so stupid. These types of regulations make it difficult for smaller businesses to be compliant because they aren't equipped to meet these rules that are irrelevant. If you weren't counting calories before, you

A piece of fruit, not as easily attainable because you'd have to go somewhere other than a gas station, is cheaper than a candy bar, soo... I'd argue that a peach or an apple is cheap as hell.