
A piece of fruit, not as easily attainable because you'd have to go somewhere other than a gas station, is cheaper than a candy bar, soo... I'd argue that a peach or an apple is cheap as hell.

I might have been the weird/worst gift giver this year! Among some good presents, I also got my boyfriend a first aid kit and butt cream (Chamois Butt'r). I am now second guessing these gifts that I initially believed to be thoughtful!

Maybe she got them because she knew you'd use them! :)

Looks awesome! I'm working on the same one :)

Riding on the sidewalk is the most dangerous place to ride, for cyclists and pedestrians. Most cyclists are moving at a much faster pace than someone walking on the sidewalk, your visibility decreases, there are hazards on sidewalks that wouldn't be in the street, etc. Sidewalks weren't made for cyclists. There's

Soo...this is just an article about how much you hate Ayn Rand and not about the shirt being pulled or why?

I try to avoid throwing my shorts in a hamper with everything else. If I'm not going to wash them immediately, I put them on my windowsill to air dry (window's always open, sunny, etc.) My boyfriend and I don't ever put any of our cycling stuff in the dryer either, mainly because the heat=death to lycra. Sometimes

Off topic from the suicide lovers conversation, but the first time my brother heard this we were in my car and he, in all seriousness, asked me, "What do they mean "illuminate the nose?"

Sleepy Hollow is on Monday nights.

That's so shitty. The bites were almost as bad as getting rid of them, too. I'm super allergic or something to most bug bites and I was itching for MONTHS. If you move or stay somewhere else while they're exterminating or whatever (you probably already know this) but throwing all of your stuff in the dryer on high

I wish you the best of luck ridding your life of those foul, disgusting, travelling, skin biting creatures. My first semester at college they moved me into a room that had been infested with bed bugs the previous semester...guess who was still there when I moved in? -_-

Can we PLEASE stop throwing the 'free' word around? It's not free. It's paid for through your premiums as part of your plan.

Same here, chick. Every three months I make the trek to buy more tampons when Lady Flo comes only to find an unopened box already in the cabinet. Why I have not learned yet to check first? We may never know.

You're actually saying you don't have 25 minutes in your day to go for a walk or a bike ride?

Stand Your Ground laws says that yeah, you can kill someone if you feel that your life is threatened—and what matters in this case is how Zimmerman /felt/. Did he feel like his life was in danger? Then he's protected under the law to use lethal force. No, I may not agree with those laws, but it it what it is.

Oh, I'm sorry.. didn't realize you were there when it happened!

If any of the "available evidence" actually held any weight the trial would have gone differently.

Unless you didn't bring enough fluids on a longish ride and all you have is the piss-warm gatorade that's been hanging out in your sweaty back jersey pocket for an hour+ in 95 degree weather aka me last weekend on a ride in Mass. and I swear to fuck that gatorade was like some sort of magic delicious elixir.

Me too, Central New York here and I've just about had it with the rain. And my hair has just about had it with the humidity.

Aside from being single, I think a lot of it has to do with not having kids as well. At my last job, I was always scheduled to work first shift on holidays while my coworker, married but without kids, always worked second shift. The man I worked with hasn't had a vacation in 2 years and has worked every holiday but