PC version?
PC version?
How about in Singapore where chewing a gum can get you jailed? Is that petty?
A person is deliberately creating a piece of software that breaks legal policies and/or agreement that negatively impact another person’s experience.
Exactly. Actors/actresses who plays a character has zero direct implication to the audience, except emotionally. If he wants to roleplay an evil character, he can roleplay deleting the base, not actually deleting it.
How about e-sports?
With artists like these, I wonder why Indonesian comic/graphic novel/manga never really picks up? /sigh....
Cendrawasih doesn’t look like that!! LOL ok maybe it does. Just came back for vacation and visited Bali’s Bird Park.
aye, born and raised in early 80s Jakarta. I know.
It’s meant to be lusty. Not sexy. It can be interpreted as sexy (if you like swollen bloody boobs and scorpion vaginas), but the whole level captured the whole “Lust” theme, I say.
Oooh we’re hosting Asean games? As ex-Indonesian now in Canada, I can’t really tell though... the bird and “deer”, are they even Asian animals?? I’m guessing the big rhino is the nearly-extinct uni-horn Indonesian rhinoceros?
I was like you, until AC4 hits and I found myself converted to the historical fan. My decision solidified when I picked up the Victorian England AC and while I couldn’t barely enjoy the historical part, I found the present-time content is worse. It’s just a messy game. Now I nearly ignore the whole thing. Origin’s…
Great read. I’m a few hours in and just finished Giza and most sidequests up to this point.
*raise hand*
Looks awesome!! Just what I needed. I’ll head right into Steam to purchase a co....
For our Canadian folks... amazon.ca has a great deal with the 500GB for under $200
For our Canadian folks... amazon.ca has a great deal with the 500GB for under $200
Wow. Apparently I’ve been a fan of Utada Hikaru for a good decade now. I never actually count the years...
after reading a LOT of reviews and mentions, I decided to grab one from Costco coz it comes with an extra blade.
after reading a LOT of reviews and mentions, I decided to grab one from Costco coz it comes with an extra blade.
Wow. Never heard the guy and I do watch MMA every now and then.
I love Godzilla and my 5yr old girl loves Hello Kitty.
He should. But most likely won’t. It’s tough enough to deal with critics and the game industry, and some of the Christian psychos that`s going to shit on this game...