
But if those things went away, how would we know who the douchebags around us are?

The RX-8, the new 6, and the reskinned CX-9 have the same feature, but the CX-5 does not.

I would expect that Mazda thinks that people who buy a Speed3 don't want the extra weight & higher CoG. Also, they may really want to limit variations to keep costs down.

It adds weight, and that weight is in the worst location.

A smile on a roadster fits. A Miata is a happy car. But I never cared for it on their other cars.

There are a lot of things they got right on this car, but unfortunately, a lot they got wrong, too.

I like it.

I could support legislation for capital punishment for any guy who wears too-short skinny jeans, no socks, & clown shoes.

I would love to see the new 6 wagon here. I think a Speed6 would also be a wise move. They won't sell many of them, but Mazda needs a sports car besides the Miata.

For me, it's snakes and elevators.

I don't think they would be amazed at all by the ordinariness of a 6 speed manual.

"Change absolutely everyone's mind"? Why would I suggest such a thing? (BTW, I didn't.) Since you missed the point, I'll rephrase it: The word "gay" has extensive history being a negative—independent of sexual orientation—thus answering "what is wrong with being gay?" More specifically (and honestly, this was intended

"Gay" can mean more than homosexuality. Historically:

This is Russia - do you really think being on the shoulder would be any safer?

I have a set of glasses I use for biking that have a green tint. They cause no issues for me even after a few hours of riding, and this car shouldn't be as bad because everything inside the car won't be tinted.

Yes, the speed differential is a big problem.

I said nothing about what I think you think. I said that what I think Bertel thinks is different than what he is being accused of.

No, it wouldn't be hard/expensive. You just do it on new cars moving forward, just like how vehicle inspections use the OBD-II port.

Or just activated carbon seats to filter the problem at its source. Then you don't have to lose cool AC air or let in foul skunk odors.

I would like the information from sider mirrors projected onto windshield in a HUD for the benefits you mention, but also to eliminate the need for noisy, bump-prone, space-inefficient exterior mirrors.