
If we're going to go all the way with this, Slater should have the macaque charged with theft for taking his camera in the first place.

And we'll look back at that time where media was flooded with weird knock off birthday tunes, and raise a collective eyebrow.

Adelaide crime has a high weird shit quotient, though this one’s one of the best.

Australian? Oh no, don’t you dare pin that on us anymore. Murdoch’s been an American citizen for 30 years.

Hmm, first step is probably getting it out there and published.

There’s a whole series of anthologies called the Apex Book of World SF:

Not the only Aussie film to have overdubs/line replacements. Aussie classic The Castle had some lines replaced for the US- one character who graduated from a hairdressing course is described as being “the only member of the family with a tertiary education” in Australia but as “the only member of the family with a

JB Hi-fi is probably the #2 game retailer in Australia behind EB Games (Gamestop), the hand-lettered signs are part of their aesthetic across the chain.

Curious, not picking a fight, but in terms of single runs what’s your pick?

Nextwave is the cat’s pyjamas though, it’s so good

Well, frankly, if people didn’t know about how the hugos were awarded, it’s not like the answer was ever more than a two second google away. I don’t see how you can say it’s “hardly representative” of science fiction fans when it’s an award given at an international science fiction convention that’s been held in may

but the Hugo voting pool is self selected- it’s always been Worldcon attendees/supporters, and anyone can go online and purchase a voting membership for that (in fact, that’s precisely what happened). Now, there’s a comment over at Wired that says that group skews older, but the idea that the voting pool is select is

The Martian was ineligible for nomination because of when it was originally self published. It came out first in 2011 but was only published in print in 2014, but it’s the former date that would have been the year it was eligible

I was a bit the same, left me cold.

See also: any time an “Australian” character opened their mouth. Dear Gods they were bad.

Right, put up your dukes

Stephenson’s consistently had trouble sticking the landing on his books.

The Numenera campaign setting, even though it cribs from The Incal and the Book of the New Sun. Because sufficiently advanced technology is functionally identical to magic, and as a GM I can throw a sonar system and magic potions together into one coherent existence.

Yeah, first time. First time we’ve known where he’s originally from too.

You should watch Warren in “State of Play” (original British series). You’ll lose all of your fear for him there.