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    @pmbaustin: If Microsoft ever released the Courier... I would just DIE! ... then of course come back to life so that I can buy it

    I like this article. I like it mainly because it plays the very important role of lowering my expectations for a M$ tablet so that I can be properly overjoyed by whatever POS they release.

    @skylr616: I kinda like this... "Screw glorified picture frames and their exceptional battery life, I'm in"

    @whereisscott: I was just thinking of the same thing. Please once you have done this put me in touch with him, I have a couple of things I would like him to record for me.

    @FroD'oh: That's a very nice picture

    you guys have a picture of the actual guy?... not the white one but the black one that the mask looks like

    Oh my gosh that camera in the picture was an awesome piece of a thing. I had one and I loved it too but it got stolen from me which was terrible.

    Ladies, this was brilliant. Really, I love it.

    honestly I hope they use a lot of what they were able to "Research and Develop" from the Courier episode

    @meatbag_pussrocket: Dude, by far the most in depth and most heart deserving response I have received in my time here.

    @midnightz: lol I have one on the way

    @CUL8R: she notes that her French is awesome

    @drilon: that's pretty good