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    @skt.smth: no that was Wave. Buzz was still a weird response to a nonexistent demand though

    @psycho9x: If I got a nickel...

    Two weeks ago I was in a neighboring town for an interview. I locked my key in my car (don't have one of those fancy cars) before the interview so i left my car in the parking lot during.

    The cache link no longer features it

    @guitargraham: For someone who can't afford one.. I'd rather buy a couple meals, maybe some clothes and ensure their current shelter wasn't well on it's way to foreclosure.

    @Shawn Reed: Here ya go fella. AND this one's fancier than mine

    @espinha: Shame on me for having to have read @Lemcott87's comment, sit in desperate wonder, give up and settle that he/she probably is stupid anyway. Then read @espinha's comment and realize that I must be the stupid one and THEN... realize the joke.

    @ddhboy: It's not just the music he paid for... He also paid for his protection

    @DJEsch: Here's a more complete but still quick sum-up for you:

    @timgray: ... unless you live in Florida like I do..

    Also... Does this mean that The whole company is moving their

    Has it been confirmed that the Dell Venue Pro will be out on Monday

    @yantelope: I highly disagree my dear Yantelope. Kinect fills a void that for me.. I never knew I had. Honestly, I don't think I'll ever be without a game console again

    As I've said before.. I'm not much of a gamer and maybe that's the reason I'm so impressed by it. When I first heard about it, I just thought "Oh cool, the game-heads will LOVE this!".. but I received an xbox 360+Kinect bundle last Friday.. Waited until Sunday to try it out and I feel like I'm turning into a gamer.

    @jwwpua: No, an actual one. It's pretty cool and if you are standing things are pretty perfect. When I sit down, I use my hands to browse menus and the such but listen... this thing is way too cool to notice such things. It's magic man!

    @Copernileo: I received my xbox 360 + Kinect bundle last Friday. I've never been the gaming type and have never owned a console besides the 1st generation xbox when I was younger.

    @robot-shmobot: dude.. PLEASE tell me this exists somewhere

    Would this forever rid me of the epoclick and videocop forwarding issue?