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    @sovietspartan: "where are all these awesome developers nowadays? The guys who made these awesome games such as Dynamix and the team who made Mechwarrior 1 and 2"

    @Byakko: there was nothing on the article that said it was rendered in the game engine. if you were at the event, and they said this before showing it, then ok, shame on kotaku for not adding that.

    i was amazed at the number of people (nearly everyone) who couldnt discern the bge2 teaser was rendered cgi and not game engine footage. amazed because i thought that wasnt a problem for anyone with half a brain since about 1999. im still floundering for an explanation. bizarre and worrying.

    the point is its inherently antisocial and shut-in to dedicate your entire life and time to achieving something like this. you cant achieve it without having no responsibilities and being able to play 16 hours a day.

    since it's Memorial Day in the U.S., that wraps up the posts for us. We're off tomorrow and Monday

    i used to argue with this douche on wired 2 or 3 years ago. i dont recall him trolling EVERYTHING, merely most things, and definitely anything i happened to think was worthwhile. an annoying tool. had no idea he was a cross-blog identity.

    look at all the uk here.

    well about time. i hope its european, not british. dont think we need any more white male english here. i understand why a gaming site would have problems avoiding those though.

    not at all interested in something like this for my wii, any more than ddr or other shit like that. the fact that itll sell like gangbusters to other wii owners merely indicates how little i have in common with them, and increasingly, the whole concept of the wii.

    visited frontpage for first time today (rss and adblock user). finally i get the coors thing.

    the wii is a lot cheaper and people talk about it. thats why it sells. i can go into my hairdressers and talk about wii and the fake tan crowd will gather round and chortle. i say 'xbox' and they back away.

    "that hair is...I don't know how to explain it. But I'm drawn to it for some reason"... "It is very nice hair"... "i find her playmobil hair to be incredibly alluring. she will be mine"... "I'm wearing khaki pants! Good job!"... "her bounciful boobies not anything else....boobs are curvy"... "she's got nice full

    its interesting actually, as a woman whose worked on the periphery of the glamour/adult industry, i say if there is one section of society where youll find female gamers, thats it. the girls in that line of work tend to... have led lives that... make them appreciate a thing they can do alone. trying to put it

    sonic was brown before prof. kintobors experiments. there is a world of sonic canon, for the uninitiated, and this fits comfortably within it.

    this ongoing 'videogame film' argument smacks of nothing but the seeking of validation by the game community. and its so misguided its unbelievable.

    im so there. ignore the 'looks like XXX' idiots, they couldnt even tell you if their ass was punched or bored. im there, and ill kick all of yous ass. guaranteed.

    videogames dont cause obesity. eating too much food does.