
Well, the point still stands. No one is telling you that you have to replace your lettuce with greens you’d rather not eat. It’s just suggesting it as a more nutritious method of salad creation that someone may not have considered. Is it still more nutritious than iceberg? Absolutely. Does anyone have a gun to your

Ugh. Headdesk.
I’m not exactly surprised. Gallows humour and casual misogyny abound in a lot of departments, and people in general are gossipy as all get-out. It’d be more than a little appalling and surreal to hear someone who is supposed to be an authority figure and a professional talk about you like this, though.

Holy smokes, I would never eat anything she ever prepared or cooked again. So many layers of not-good.

I’m not entirely sure how libel works down in the US, but this seems ridiculous. I can understand them tacking Caitlyn with a suit, but I can’t understand this. There’s a difference between being pushed into oncoming traffic versus creating a chain reaction of rear-end damage because you were also following too

I read a lot of court documents and case files for school, and one thing remains an almost-perfect universal truth: Humans are goddamn terrible liars.

Reading through a few threads here on art vandalism made me think of the local awful garbage-person here in Toronto named Jubal Brown who threw up paint on to Composition With Red and Blue by Mondrian. Every time I think about it, I’m filled with a lot of rage. I hate that guy.

Every time I read BCO I’m simultaneously blown away by the level of awful people display and completely not surprised. Dehumanization combined with a bizarre and petty thirst for power is the worst combination of human attributes.

“That said, banners like these give freshmen of all genders a handy way to know immediately which houses to avoid.” Bingo.

“I’ve been talking about my abuse for many, many years, but it has not gotten any ears until now.”

And here lies the major problem. Public scrutiny gets a public apology, but Michel’le’s ongoing discussion of her abuse didn’t. Call me cynical, but the timing makes him look less like he’s attempting amends and more

I’m pretty sure calling something “Project Harpoon” (ugh, fuck) and then claiming it’s about body positivity just makes you look like a coward along with being an unbelievable asshole.
Like, seriously. Just admit that you’re doing it because you’re incredibly preoccupied with being fatphobic.

Honesty doesn’t necessarily mean straight-up telling someone directly what’s going on. That can sometimes backfire, and then you get to instead be that asshole who says, “I was just being honest.” Consider your audience.

“It appears that this might be connected to some type of Wiccan ritual killing and possibly tied to the blue moon.”
Lawl. Can I please be the occult expert they bring in on this? I could make this sound way scarier. Wiccans are terrible boogeymen. The most questionable things they do are love spells as teenagers and

They need to do way instain mother>

I never got that one. Why are you arresting someone without cause? And when that part came out in wake of a person’s death, how the hell do you manage to keep your job and skirt charges of criminal wrongdoing? Seriously, the entire US justice system is goddamn rotten.

The consistency of people of colour being imprisoned for extremely minor offences (or assault of a police officer) and then showing up dead is fucking baffling. There’s a reason why assault on an officer wasn’t taken seriously as a charge by JPs for a long while up here, and it’s because it was total bullshit too

I keep looking at this and am completely fucking flabbergasted by his escalation. I had it consistently drilled into me to be polite to people you pull over for traffic violations and to not engage angrily regardless of what awful, baiting shit they might say to you. Bland wasn’t even being anywhere out of the realm

To be honest, as far as my experience is concerned, you never really do to the same extent as you did before. It’s like the ceiling has been lowered.

I was seriously not expecting anyone to catch this. I thought I would have the credit all to myself for this line.
I was a fool. This is the internet.

A friend of mine and I actually sat down years back and figured out how many boxes of Mini Wheats it would take to induce a lethal iron toxicity in a human our weight.
We called it the Pope-L’Heureux Mini Wheat Mortality Ratio (or the PL’HMWMR for short) and started using it as a unit of measurement for completely

Aaaand more occult shop stories.