RIP Jez, sorry to hear the news. Hope everyone who works here can land safely at a different gig.
RIP Jez, sorry to hear the news. Hope everyone who works here can land safely at a different gig.
Dear Jez, I my heart is heavy with grief at this juncture. May your wit, insights, activism, and light shine forevermore.
Unrelated to this story, RIP Jezebel - just read it in the NYTimes. I hope all the writers land on their feet :-(
But, it is NOT the heart of the matter. The heart of the matter is women having the fundamental human right of having control over their own bodies, health, and lives.
Rick Santorum (remember that asshat?) was already on TV today lamenting that “pure democracies” that allow citizens to directly vote on issues “are not the way to run a country.” He said he was thankful that many states do not allow citizens to have a direct voice in their government, more or less, and that it’s…
I 100% agree. The tax law as it’s currently written only prohibits churches from endorsing candidates, so churches can and do talk about issues. But if churches are explicitly telling their congregants how to vote in any capacity, I feel pretty strongly that that church is engaging in political activity and should…
I left my Biden/Harris sign up until December.
I know it is unkind to gloat, but I’m an Ohioan and GODDAMN does this feel good tonight.
We had someone running for school board who had spent the past year or so calling all the teachers in the district groomers because the book Gender Queer was available in the library. Last week it came out that he had impregnated a 15 year old when he was 20 or 21. And he still almost won his election.
I’m going to keep the “Yes on 1" sign in my yard for an extra week as a victory lap.
Yank the tax-exempt status from churches that want to get involved in politics, ‘nuff said.
This is great... unequivocally awesome.
As a fellow Ohioan, I say gloat away! I work in an office full of Trumpers & religious nuts (hey, the pay is good and I do minimal work here, whereas everyone else thinks I work my ass off because they’re tragically stupid)- I’m gonna be nothing but smiles and rainbows all day while everyone else bemoans the…
You should do it, and film it, and post it for all of us to enjoy. Gloating is fine when the other side is cheating, lying and STILL loses big time.
I know it is unkind to gloat, but I’m an Ohioan and GODDAMN does this feel good tonight. Republicans in Ohio have had their boots on the necks of us women for far to long, and it has been excruciating listening to their whinging for the past few months about how “extreme” and “radical” it is to ensure that women can…
I’m a 62 year old woman and almost all of my sisters and friends support women having the basic human right to control their own bodies. The ones that don’t are for religious reasons, which just pisses me off. Why they or anyone thinks their personal religion should impact others actions is beyond me. My point is the…
“Indiana is one of many states that require providers to report information about their patients’ abortions to the state government, exposing patients to increased risk of state surveillance and criminalization.” well as all the other potential issues associated with transmitting and storing information,…
“This 10 year-old child was raped, but we think that she, a victim of sexual assault, must keep the child, because the god we believe in, we think, but there’s no evidence to back up what we believe, values all life.”
Great news. Rokita managed to be such a gigantic asshole in a story involving literal child rape that his will be the name remembered from all of this.
I might just throw on my “Nevertheless, she Persisted” shirt and set foot back in my hometown Catholic church just as a “fuck you” to the church for donating millions to the “Vote No” campaign.