Reclaimed Letters

The civil trial, covering the church’s heinous response to the Masterson allegations, is scheduled to resume in October (it was put on hold while the criminal trial played out).

And yet, Scientology leadership, which stalked, smeared and harassed these victims for years, won’t see a day of jail time.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Charlaine F. Olmedo

Good, finnally some justice. People like louis ck and danny masterson get away with this kind of crap way to much.

Just when I was ready to give up on the legal system entirely, finally some JUSTICE.

I’m glad one of the victims was able to forgive him and no longer have to let that s*t-stain spend any more time in her waking thoughts. Now he can start to repay the debt he owes to society for what he did to her and his other victims.  Technically, he’s only repaying the debt for two of his crimes; the two specific


If that wasn’t an episode of The Office, it should’ve been.

I’d add that this happened in the last election cycle - and the main motivating cause is running again while being faced with multiple charges including ones directly linked to the insurrection.

LOL I know plenty of people who haven’t moved on from 9/11, and while I don’t know for sure, I’d guess the primary reason is that we never removed or dealt with the underlying cause. Two decades, billions of dollars and thousands of soldiers’ lives later, the Taliban is still running wild in Afghanistan ruining the

Uh...did you support January 6, or, failing that, spend months kissing the ass of the guy who organized and hoped to primarily benefit from January 6? No? Then you don’t need to justify it. Ron DeSantis does.

Honestly, in law school we heard a lot of stories about this: how lots of judges completely forget the law and become so reliant on their law clerks that the clerk is basically doing the judging. All the way back to Scalia’s dissents in which new Justice Thomas ALWAYS joined, it was pretty clear he didn’t really

Thank you. The Nazis made a hell of a long leather coat, not going to argue it, but anyone now buying Nazi paraphernalia ain’t doing it for the quality.

the rite included a prayer circle in Schlapp’s office, which one person described as performative and inauthentic."

You might want to check the link in the article. It’s not because he thinks their uniforms looked cool. His collection includes linens with Nazi insignia, postage stamps with Hitler on, two of Hitler’s paintings, and a signed copy of Mein Kampf.

Just compounding the stroke-inducing rage at this utter bullshit is the fact that the people who make death threats and bomb threats, and actually kill people and actually bomb things are the ones who think he’s awesome - not the ones who see what a crooked, sick fuck he is.

Alabama ladies: This is your Lysistrata moment.

Hey if you didn’t try and enforce the rules on him he wouldn’t have to break the rules. Us fucking peasants should be greatful he hears our cases. A legal mind so great he is confused by his disclosure forms.

But that’s where proper parenting comes in. And proper parenting doesn’t mean just being there hovering over your kid 24/7. You guide your children, mold their personality, you teach them to think critically, to use logic, and you raise them to find worth in themselves as opposed to the opnion of others.

See, I get where this sentiment comes from. Even so, I’d prefer they all be imprisoned... see how they like having their every move controlled.