Guilty until proven innocent I guess. I tend to think when someone avoids testifying in court it’s because they don’t want to open themselves up pergury charges.
Guilty until proven innocent I guess. I tend to think when someone avoids testifying in court it’s because they don’t want to open themselves up pergury charges.
I thought the fuels cell’s catalysts needed too high a quantity of rare earth metals to be economical.
I’m with you. Who wants another gray car with black or chrome wheels? They’re so common most people can’t even see them anymore because the gray receptors in their eyeballs are all worn out and that’s dangerous for you if you’re driving a gray car.
Not really. It doesn’t just go straight up and hang a right when it gets to 220,000 ft. I guarantee you that its past 45 degrees by the time it gets to 35,000 ft. Play a little Kerbal Space Program. It will teach you a lot about optimal launch trajectories.
Jim Raynor is supposed to have a uni-brow.
Except it wasn’t cold blooded murder, it was panicking induced overreaction. It should be considered a crime, but not on the same level as murder and honestly probably not harshly what the caller got. Too me the caller needs the harshest sentence, but the police officer needs to be disciplined as well.
I guess the newer Corvettes have something to their mid engine claims in that since the transmission is behind the driver the engine be located further after and the entire COG is fairly far back without the engine actually being located behind the driver.
Failed math didn’t you?
Not a trump supporter at all, but I think trump was insinuating that regular Republican voters wrote in other names instead of voting for the child rapist, as opposed to alleging fraud.
Clearly? Idk about that. Maybe it was satirical, but it wasn’t clear. Either way I reserve the right to be a dick on kinja.
Genesis thinks making it harder to buy their cars will help? Bummer. It’s going to be harder to find an off lease a g70 in a few years.
Hahahhahahahahhahaha. Free cars? Hahahahhahahahahhaha. You’re an idiot.
I think Mr. Kazemi is experiencing something similar to what happens to me after I play grand theft auto video games. After I play those games I have to really concentrate on not running stop lights, running over pedestrians, and staying in my lane. Mr. Kazemi probably has spent so much time behind the wheel of…
Does he have to sit out a year if he was kicked off the team? I thought that was the transfer rule.
My cat was male so that’s all my observations can account for. And your Google source specifically pertains to wild cats. Who on the internet is referring to a wild cat when they discuss cats. The cat most commonly referred to on the internet is undeniably the domestic cat, which have average lifespans of 13 -17 years…
4-5 years? My last cat lived until he was 19. What are you feeding your cats? Rat poison?
You have no heart. I look at this thing from the eyes of my pre elementary years and it’s perfect.
Brings me back to my dorm days
I talk to regular people in their 20s and 30s and they hate the autonomous ride hailing future. They’re ok with owning a car that can drive itself on long hauls, but that’s it. They aren’t fans car sharing or cars as a service or anything like that.