
The conundrum I have as a fan is that while I’m 100% in support of guaranteed contracts for players for labor reasons, I also know that non-guaranteed contracts are part of what makes the NFL so competitive and it would hurt the sport if there were no outs in contracts.

Great point. I’ll put you in the hopper.

She corrected herself 3 days ago.

fuck dressing in anything other than the most comfortable attire for a flight. If I’m punished for being 6'4" without it being at all within my control, deal with my cat hair covered sweatpants and thank me for not putting my seat back like a real monster.

uh, no. Because then the only result is some billionaire making even more billions. They generate revenue. They are both the product and the employee. They should be paid accordingly.

Jeff was the worst. A 25-ish dude creeping on 16 year old Kelly Kapowski

Just because you knew Zelda was the boy and didn’t need this article doesn’t mean it wasn’t helpful to others.

That title though

people who lose keys have an issue, one that would prevent them from hanging the keys on that hook. I suffer from this. I’m an asshole about putting things in the right place

a roomba was the best gift I’ve gotten since I was a kid.

flyover your state

Basically, we need an NBA Jam remake.

Yes, I played one after the other and saw so many similarities in the two games. I enjoyed both immensely.

eh, I just watched a 2 hour, 45 minute Sci-fi movie and it didn’t feel long at all.

I hate that accent with a fire and a fury the world has never seen.

Funny stuff as usual, but the fans in the comments show why Philly fans are terrible. Brandon Graham was a 2nd Team All Pro, despite the fact that you only look at sacks. Philly fans love to pat themselves on the back for being intelligent, but then I see that type of drivel on a daily basis. /self-hating philly fan.

I had never heard of the wheel until now and just read through it. My word that is a terrible idea.

“per Deadspin report, the Warriors will, in fact, be attending the White House and everyone will be there”

Pens aren’t “probably going to win the cup” if they play like they did last night. They stole one but that type of fluky win is unsustainable.

but they are the conduit to the fans! That’s what they tell me at least.