Rebel Girl

That might be the most accurate description of him I’ve ever heard. Everything you need to know in one line.

I’m still here for the idea of giving Larry Wilmore Maher’s show. He was on the episode with Yiannopolous and he told that smug little troll to go fuck himself. I actually liked his show on Comedy Central and think if he got a chance to expand it and got the benefit of being on HBO, it could really be something. Bill

Intent versus impact: I don’t care what his intent was, the impact will be more white “liberals” saying, “Hey, I can say whatever I want, as long as I don’t *mean* it like that!”

I’ll take number 2

It’s not ironic humor, that’s all bullshit to pretend to be edgy when he’s really just a biggot. This isn’t even his first time, he’s a known bigot for years, bloody years.

Also hate to break it to you, but so are most ‘edgy’ comedians. Especially white ones. They hide behind the claim of ‘ironic jokes’ and other

“Maher used the n-word in the same way that people hold up posters of a swastika superimposed over Trump. It’s offensive as hell, but it’s ironic humor, not meant to specifically insult the triggered minority group.”

This is my dilemma... I like the show because it’s a good format for actual discussion and there’s really nothing else like it, but I don’t really like Maher... despite mocking dumb scientifically illiterate conservatives, he has way more in common with him than he’d like to admit. And I would honestly be thrilled if

“I think we’re intelligent and mature enough as a society”... we definitely are NOT.

Larry Willmore for example...

He is the Left’s version of Anne Coulter.

While I agree with your point, being seventh banana in DC Cab hardly makes him “Hollywood Old-Guard.”

Ahh, hell no! You’re not blaming pot for this vile shithead. I’ve been smoking pot over half my life and I am not a smug, arrogant, asshole, who thinks I’m clever and smarter than everyone else. It’s a character flaw, not a symptom.

No, this is who he is. Have you heard and read what he thinks about Muslims? He is given a pass because he is an atheist and talks openly about religious hipocrisy and politics. He is a bigot

He is a prick who has gotten a lifetime pass.

When Sasse said work in the fields I knew a slave joke was coming. I don’t fault people for the delayed response. I was a bit stunned watching. The guests were interesting and I liked the discussion. IDK, I enjoy the format because the guests are varied and interesting. Maher himself is problematic. It seems like he’s

If you’re a white person, and you’re not a professor of linguistics giving a seminar on the history of racial epithets to postgrads, stop it. Stop it now. Whatever the situation, even in “irony” [and from your perspective without malice], you’ve radically misjudged the mood. Stop it.

By the time this shit is all uncovered, which could be decades for all we know, this is truly going to make Watergate look like a third rate burglary and Nixon and some of his buddies just went a little too far in trying to spy on his enemies and told some fibs to try to get out of it.

Remember when they all lost their minds that the IRS might be disproportionately targeting conservative groups, but 

Oh a few will call it “deeply troubling” and that we should keep our eye on it, but we can’t rush into anything hastily.

It is functioning on a system of checks and balances. The GOP interprets it differently, is all.