Rebel Girl

You outnumber, out-legislate, and wait for the anti-progressive forces to wither and die. There have been bigger ideological divides that have been overcome (going to WWII to stop German/Japanese expansion, actually functioning as a union as opposed to autonomous states, abolition vs. maintaining slavery) where the

Actual same. Someone disagreeing with you and/or you not getting to do things your favorite way is not bullying.

That was when he showed his hand! We get it, Jim, we get it, you’re a milquetoast patsy toadfucker, we knew that awready.

“It’s the most divided we’ve ever been! No, I don’t know what happened from 1861 to 1865. ENLIGHTEN ME.”

Yes! Thank you! Fallon can make whatever kind of show he wants. But legitimate criticism isn’t bullying.

Agreed. Bullying is some go to buzzword for people these days. The word himself and many other celebrities actually mean is criticism. And that can suck too of course, but it’s not as though they’re being abused.

I is deplorable to be racist, sexist, anti-immigrant, and against health care for everyone. “Libtard” is a silly insult. I’ll gladly be called that name for being on the side of common sense, progress, and empathy.

“I don’t want to be bullied into alienating some of the products I’m trying to sell to advertisers.”

He’s evil. She is dead cause she was a black woman who didn’t kiss that crooked cop’s ass. She had no business being arrested and should be alive.

I am Rebel Girl. I wrestled with attending but it was affordable and the idea of sitting for the GRE made me anxious beyond the telling of it. It’s still grad school, annotated bibliographies can suck it.

I get why he did it the first time - because he was a dumbass - but how did he say “Two Corinthians” twice? Is he doubling down on the stupid? Is this a coded message to the stupid caucus? Is it a meme or something now? Or is he just so addled that he has no memory of when he said “Two Corinthians” the last time and

Let’s just cut to the chase and admit that the Jesus Talbian have become religious extremists and hateful theocrats. Oh wait, they already were, the only difference now is redneck scum put them in high offices.

Jesus would say “Go on, doll, be arrogant, don’t hold back on my account.”

A lot of state medical schools don’t train students to perform abortions. They’re barred from doing so.

They really should. It might be too arrogant to say that Jesus would also hate these people, but the gospels always portrayed Jesus as being not a fan of the sanctimonious, holier-than-thou, religious purist types.

You are absolutely right. I apologise to the Middle Ages for the unwarranted defamation.

It’s worse than medieval. It wasn’t until the late 1800s that taking abortifacients before the “quickening,” when the woman can feel the fetus moving, was purportedly ‘wrong.’ Abortion likely has been a part of human history for as long as pregnancy has been. All the temper tantrums by antichoice nuts won’t change

I agree 100%. I had to get a d&c a few years back after a miscarriage and was able to go straight from the ER to the hospital’s in house abortion clinic. Abortion is healthcare, it needn’t be sequestered from other healthcare.

I do not doubt that Trump is able to understand individual printed words. I just don’t think he has the interest, attention span, or comprehension to absorb more than a sentence or two of information by reading.

Two Corinthians, one cup.