
I'm kind of pissed off.

We'll know if this is true if the terrorists start calling screaming homosexual and racial epithets at each other and the other side.

Just throwing this out thereā€”if you have AAA, Hertz will give you a discount which could be just as good as a free upgrade.

I think it works the other way. In a rational person's mind, thinking everyone else is armed will make you a lot less likely to draw yours.

Problem there is if you tell them no, now they think you've got something to hide. That gives them probable cause, and then they can search your car anyway.

A broad assumption, most likely. It seems like everyone is on facebook, so assuming somebody is, whether they are or not, is a safe bet.

Tell them "You can't have that information. It's a violation of privacy. If that's how your company operates, I want no part of it. Good day." and leave.

You're missing the point. Would you want some random idiot screwing around in your Facebook without your knowledge?

If any job I applied for asked me for my login details ANYWHERE, I'd walk out of the interview right then and there.

Those are terrible. Guys? Leave the UI alone. It's great without your little touches.

You (the hider) are an amateur. They (the police) are trained to find the stuff you are hiding. They know where you're going to hide it. If they don't, they will TEAR YOUR VEHICLE TO PIECES until they do.

Seriously, that's #COTD material.

300 bucks for a new windshield and you're good to go. Considering the thing went through a TORNADO I'd say that's pretty good.

I dunno, but it'd be pretty cool if it did.

I say let him run. If he wins, tell him he can have the seat, but only if he can survive for a week in the Outback. Even spot him a few days' worth of rations.

Just like any other genre of music. To the people that like it, it's awesome. To the people that don't, it's noise.


Apparently the ending is a massive letdown. Lotta people are really pissed off about it.

Totally do this. I tried it and it's awesome, and I hate jello shots.

I'd keep it just the way it is, and take it out for summer cruises.