
@dufus: well we all can't live a life of luxury like duncan hines now can we?

@Nuno Vinagreiro: Okay....why does that ipod have an HP symbol on the back? seems pretty fishy to me

@Monty: That is absolutely genius. Please run for president.

@RecipeForHate: Crysis!!! That's the ultimate benchmark right there!! The internet is satisfied!

@JohnnyricoMC: "Now do the hokie pokie and turn yourself around, thats what it's all about!"

Ok am I the only one who's going to mention rebug here?

@JohnnyricoMC: Completely untrue. He left the scene again and this was just a gift. He plans on leaving again.

@FuturePastNow: No I'm a guy and my body temp is 96 regularly. I used to go to the nurse when I was in grade school and she would tell me I was dead. I used to be a pretty heavy guy (lost 115 pounds) so I don't think body fat has anything to do with it.

@Eriamjh: wouldn't that seal the end in the process?

@TheMightyTexMex: Agreed. Glad to finally see someone that isn't practicing the art of the fanboy.

@TheMightyTexMex: Can't say I blame you. I've had 7 since the early alpha test when it looked like vista and I can say even then it still had a slight advantage.

@DocHobo: I worked at McDonalds and I was a dishwasher for a diner. I had a slight discount on the plan because I ran it through t-mobile. But thanks. I'm 19 now and I still have it laying around somewhere.

@TheMightyTexMex: Oh I'm definitely now.My hackintosh has one inside of it.

@DocHobo: Uh when I was 15 I had an iphone and it was paid for by me. The bill I paid for, and I worked a 40 hour a week at my job. Normally i'd agree but there are some hard working kids out there as well.

@Odin: No we're focused on tracking down real criminals right now like the guy who suffocated kittens in vacuum seal bags and posted a video online. /B/ is quite a community and the anonymous are beyond small time like this.

@Malthian: I can't get it out of my head now