
What's a DeLo? Is that something that Sen Dog doesn't take lightly?

Goddamn, Poe's law. Shit, man.

"long time ago"
"completely fictitious"
"non-human, humanoid life"

If you take the phrase "shitting on" in this sentence literally, it's a lot more fun.

I've seen unicorn farts glimmering off the shoulder of Orion.

Not sure if you're asking about the portable media player, or the five exclamation points, but I guess it doesn't matter because the answer is the same: It's a good start but needs refinement.

But what this comment presupposes is, maybe you could get more money by not excluding it?

Yeah, i have no problem with that. Estates don't benefit from the sale of used items (nor should they), so there's no loss if they haven't anything to sell.

Huh. I'd always heard it as unstole, but most quote sites have it as unstowed. Just rewatched it and I honestly think it could go either way - I hear (phonetically) "un-stoh" with no clear ending consonant. Unstowed makes more sense in that context, but unstole makes me laugh more. I'm keeping it.

and also the Martha Stewart of hating punctuation.


never seen "right" spelled that way before.

He could teach you!

George? Some of yer foldin' money done come unstole.

and yet YOU'RE the malfunctioning one! The hypocrisy of those fuckers!

Clearly should have made more Gibby Haynes jokes.

A pair o' pathetic peripatetics!

I've only done it once, but I really feel like the most effective method here would be to complain directly to the advertisers.


Ah yes, "stoner ingenuity," wherein vast levels of creativity are apparently employed in bypassing normal solutions, which in turn were forgotten due to chronic marijuana use.