
A gallon of water weighs 8 lbs! They could have done some damage!

More like squid-go-pro!

out of fucking nowhere, JEFFERSON STARSHIP

You'll note that the 5th, 6th, and 7th books are not mentioned in this comment. I refuse to believe this is an error.

To be blunt, it's because the victors write the history books.


Do it! I ain't diggin through that shit!

I welcome Dikachu and IdiotKing in their new roles on Popular AV Club Commenters and look forward to cock-ing with them and our
cocks on season cock.

I find your opinion weird but I'm curious, as I find it less funny the more realistic it is. Please explain.

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I read that in Sam Elliott's voice because I don't know who Scott Glenn is.

A friend of mine has relayed his success with Guitarsmith. The context was that I've recently picked up guitar again and am depressingly rusty, so I asked him if he had a good practice regimen. He said I should get Guitarsmith. I haven't done that as I've been more interested in softsynths lately.

heh. Ass Creed.

maybe for most people. I prefer to handcraft my .bmps using Win95's MS Paint, running on an exquisite old 286.

They're not, uh, they're not gold plated everywhere, are they?

Did-dily do

That phrase has actually been surprisingly useful in my life, while simultaneously amusing me and reminding me of more Hedberg jokes. It's like a triple threat.