Do you want to kill them? I do but I'd rather save the republic. Let's search for better ideas.
Do you want to kill them? I do but I'd rather save the republic. Let's search for better ideas.
I tried to reply to you earlier. All efforts failed.
Shush, sweetie. I might have an angle.
You think they don't know how they got that? They can never admit it, but they know that their superiority is in viciousness and dishonesty. Also, fear in their bubble is vague and pervasive and powerful in a way that fear of a known, specific, other can't be. It's a version of fear of the dark.
I'm pretty sure their hate comes from fear. I know my hatred of them does. I was not a hater when I was young, but I've taken a lot of damage, and I'm not as good a person as I wanted to be. I'm not one of the great people who can overcome hate and fear.
I was trying to reply to the guy who met a "sympathetic" Trump-voter family when there was an apparent Disqus failure. I was supposed to be one of them (red state small town). All I had to do to was read some books (long before the internet) and use reason and honor. They're motivated only by fear.
Ghost of Easy E called me coastal elite. That's not accurate.
Ahem. Trump has in addition to potentially catastrophically threatening DPRK, threatened Venezuela with military force. How funny is this?
I spent almost my whole career in the JAG, not as a lawyer, just a paralegal. But I do know the UCMJ and the LOW pretty well. It's not likely that a preemptive attack would be nuclear. So what you're citing wouldn't be relevant. And unlawful orders have to be very clearly unlawful.
Probably, orders breaking the…
When I pressed play, I didn't get an image of the band but an insulting animation. The light source in the animation is apparently about 60 degrees to the left of the simulated camera angle, to produce the initial shadow. When the image of the head moves, the shadow does not narrow. I'm angry.
Maybe. But what you're describing would be a military coup. That would be clearly unconstitutional. That's a hell of thing.
I don't agree that they'd take food for WMD concessions. They've shown that won't many times before.
But Trump was born into crime. It wasn't defined as crime for much of his life or almost all of his father's, but the racist practices were criminalized and the Trump company had to settle. They have a lot in common with southerners who are punished for what are now seen as civil and human rights violations. They are…
It's the wrong word, but basically the same way you keep the decades-old airframes we're all mostly flying on flying - upgrades and improved maintenance. Obama did some of that. Trump hasn't done anything, but no doubt believes that he has, having said it.
It seems to me that trolls have unusually disrupted the discussion about Korea, while knowing nothing about it. I'm no expert, but this is my take. The range of the DPRK missiles is verified, and long enough to reach U.S. soil. That does not mean that their accuracy or survivability is verified. In other words, we…
Apparently the desire to bleach hair is a symptom of dead soul, not its cause. And not always. Sometimes it's just fun. But it is not fun for this one. It's serious business. This one must present the acceptable appearance. So does she know how much her roots show?
My neighbor's common-law wife was killed by a methed-up Border Patrol Agent. The border, man.
In terms of the transcripts of Trump's calls with foreign leaders - those would be well above top secret. Top secret is an ordinary clearance. I would feel better if the person or persons who released those did so openly and resigned. They're revealing highly classified materials that could damage national security…
They'll probably name themselves in the coming lawsuits. Failing Fox News. Happy.
To understand why that doesn't mean what you think it means, you'd have to understand the difference between correlation and causation.