Ms. Adequate

This is the time on Sprockets when we delete.

Dubya was governor of Texas following the last Democratic governor, Ann Richards. She was a charismatic native Texan who really won against the odds. He caught the wind that's still blowing of vast resentment of civil rights among those who want previlege more than honor.

What if Saudi wants the base instead, and we end up with no "neutral" place for an air base? Trump hasn't gotten us out of the region. We're getting more in under his watch.

You're some kind of historian (thank you for knowing what I haven't learned). I'm a civil (not economic) libertarian and retired soldier thinking about what this will mean for free expression in the Persian Gulf region- as far I know Al-Jazeera was the closest thing to. Also what happens if we lose the base in Quatar.

I hadn't heard. Are their other international arrangements in jeopardy?
You can give a Newswire tip at the end of each article.

Heh. The judges on Chopped: Cosmic Edition feel that your skin and hair tones are overcooked.

He's just black. Him and his whole family, retroactively. His base thought the Trumps the were white, but they're black. And the Trumps are done.

Serling would probably have him break some existential wall in the universe finally by calling too many truth tellers liers. Then he becomes black.

Actually it was a multi-stage system meant for subsistence farming communities. The idea was that it turns their shit into safe, high-grade fertilizer for their crops. Of course the first stage would be just like an open trench latrine and smell very bad. What does Pennsylvania do with the fertilizer?

I saw something like this in Whole Earth Magazine decades ago. That version had a stage where there were worms, as well as microorganisms. The whole thing, whatever version, seems feasible. And it just gets more so as there's more available heat to kill the pathogens in shit that like 37°.

Yes, Liv said he was the worst, because of his complicated and unappetizing coffee order.

I'm heartened that nobody has recommended A Wrinkle in Time, or any of its even more problematic sequels.

There's no law against it, that I know of. Obama wasn't on social media because that would be crazy. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Trump hasn't actually been caught revealing classified information on social media, that was only on intelligence collections.

The ludicrousness of the subject matter?

Awesomely, lately. Look at the ratings. Pretty sure I wouldn't watch your show.

Did you see the The Atlantic article "Power Causes Brain Damage"? It makes so much sense in terms of what I've seen all my life. People who seldom or never encounter resistance to any of their behavior lose the ability to "mirror" other people in order to understand another's POV. Over time, those parts of the brain

It's going to be summer very soon. Alcohol reduces body temperature.

My understanding is that there's no need to mix Orthodoxy and Russian nationalism, as all Orthodox churches are national and usually nationalist. I agree with your analysis of the appeal of Putin to right-wing American Christians. It's all anti- civil rights and anti-Muslim. If they had to try to worship together

I'm​ not a landist or vertabrist. I know that octopi are thought to be pretty smart, for instance. But I've never heard of much intelligence popping in chordata. Swimming in a straight line as fast as you can just because that's a game - that's a human thing that a fish won't get. I'd like to stipulate that the shark

We lost.