
If anything, I hope this is a lesson for other Kickstarters that “If you leave the money in its own fucking account and don’t touch it, you avoid pretty much all fraud risk”. The show sounds like it was produced by... optimistic people.

I thought this episode was hilarious. It’s all over the place, and that’s ok. Lazlo at the sports desk had me cracking up. Nandor De Laurentitis? I mean, come on. That’s good.

Great episode. And while DS9 was much in my mind, the line I kept thinking of was from The Wounded about ‘I don’t hate you - I hate what I became because of you.’

so you’re a time traveler? 

Great episode, the moment where Christine realized that her relationship with Spock doesn’t even make it to a historical footnote was genuinely touching. “History needs him to be the exact opposite of what you need him to be in a relationship” is hard to hear.

She’s just a summertime, summertime waitress

The motto of the WWDITS writers’ room is “YOLO motherfuckers!” and I have a great respect for their dedication to living up to that promise.

I still want to know why they’re not offering a manual transmission in the ecoboost cars.

Let’s say Brundle cornered the noted racing and privacy enthusiast Dave Letterman- does he have to answer questions just because he’s on the grid?

The V60, Polestar 2, and Mazda3 were already nominated and are indeed very, very cool. While probably not as cool, I am going to roll with the Hyundai Santa Cruz. It offers just as much “truck” as most people need 90% of the time, in a more livable package, and without the lifestyle tax of absurdly priced mid and

It’s a magical place.

Killing off Hill like this sucked. We get a little bit of depth between her and Fury and then thppt she’s dead.

Losing Agent Hill this quickly didn’t quite feel earned to me. My primary issue with this story thus far is that Fury seemingly insistent on working this outside of either SABER or U.S. resources feels like a bit of Idiot Ball plotting. But we’ll see where this goes. 

I respect it. But I can’t fathom spending that much time and money on a car to end up hearing random passerby on the streets go ‘oh look at that weird golf’.

hell yeah

I think you would have a real tough time getting one random person to admit they know who Richard Madden is before you could get five to say they know who John Mulaney is. He might look like a Cary Grant, but he’s more of a Cary Elwes in practice.

Man that last paragraph is the truth, though. What does your tinnitus sound like? Mine is a constant ringing, but I’ve heard it can vary from person to person.

Or, and I know this sounds crazy, ask the nice woman what car she actually wants/needs and then get her that.

Yes. It very much is what you’d expect if someone tried to remake TOS in modern day, and succeeded.

She’s Captain Wynonna Earp to me.