
I believe he retired? Or was that Ant Davidson

Obviously a lot of people have very strong opinions about this show, and more power to you. But I would pay for a monthly streaming service just to watch Picard and Q monologue at each other, so I am a happy viewer.

I really want a monitor like this, to sit below my two bottom screens and show chat windows. This looks like it will be really expensive though, I just need something cheap.

I have been visiting IMDB for more than 20 years. Until today, I had never heard of IMDBtv

I really enjoyed Tems little Maori Warrior inspired facial expressions in the bar before he starts fighting with the club.

I was looking around for a monitor like this the other day, except I would want it landscape. It would make use of the space below my monitor stack and could be monitor 7 and 8 in my setup.

R* had already altered 5 to remove the flag from the Dukes, I was fully expecting that they would make this change. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if that isn’t the last change either.

Ronald McDonald, is that you?

They changed the Honey Mustard for Smoky Honey Mustard, leaving me with only Chipotle Southwest. Hopefully that does ok at my local as I would be out of sources without it.

Not only that, but when talking about him they call him Outrageous, which was of course the name of the episode.

Nothing says “I didn’t do what they said I did” like a $7.7mil payout.

Moving the taskbars is key to my workflow, I have four monitors in a square, and this way I can have all the taskbars together, top of the bottom screens and bottom of the top. I am sure someone will make a mod to allow it though. I also much prefer the full screen start menu, cos it is so much easier to organise

I don’t think that is unusual, my wife doesn’t like it either. When she was pregnant I didn’t cook it, but now I just ask first and unless she is already feeling ill she is fine with me having some.

A critic got to write “The Best G.I. Joe movie yet” so at least one person is happy

Really looking forward to getting to see a race in person for the first time.

Good to hear, really enjoyed this show. Such a great cast, particularly Michael Greyeyes.

Came here to add this. Both races so far have been on TSN in Canada. I always extend the F1 recording in case of red flags so got to see both races.

Alan Cummings as Kristin Chenoweth
This will be interesting see

How violent is this? Like a soft or a hard-R?

If you do this, then want to pass it on to a good home later, let me know :)