
How are they incredibly bad for the environment? Not to be snarky, but it sounds de minimus.

How exactly does he smell?

The Muppets seem to have created quite a furor over this.

I will avoid any book involving machinations of a necromancer.

OK, question about Sparks: does he have a formula where someone dies at the end of every book?  I gave one of his books to my wife and she is still miffed because the mom/wife dies at the end.  I can't even skim the things without wanting to bang my head against a table.

Limp bizkit plays the mambo. Listen to the radio.

Many Shubs and Zuuls knew what it was to be roasted in the depths of a slor that day, I can tell you.

Hell, I was thinkIng a step ahead of you there to the following sequel, and I mean aliens getting in on the connection.

If all get their just deserts who shall scape miracle whip?

Thanks. All these years I thought she had a long layover at Gaffa Airport, which may or may not exist.

1. Iron Man.
2. Thor (ouch)
3. Pick any low-to- middlebrow movie with a decent cast.

The hat was only part of what made me hate the show. The predictable Irish-ethnic misogynist old-boy network cops drinking in the office. The too-cool tough chick with street smarts (I gag writing that, but I suspect that phrase was actually used in the pitch for this show). The chick is so cool that she even wears