I really, REALLY hate it when people say things like, “It’s a shame he didn’t choose to live...”
I really, REALLY hate it when people say things like, “It’s a shame he didn’t choose to live...”
Chase that a little further; how many employees, do you think, work at Becky’s? 2? 3? Fuck this clown, charge her with contempt for even floating the request and ruin the rest of her miserable life.
I’ve been keeping tabs on the fallout, as many of you have been as well, am I the only one who sees these limp wristed…
Also where white multiple murderers can just roam free and apparently no one blinks an eye, where people aiming to kidnap high ranking members of government can flap off to vacation because it was pre-planned & pre-paid, where some backward-ass rednecks can take over and occupy federal land for 5 weeks and mostly get…
I came to the comments to say exactly this.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them.
Police do not have unilateral, unlimited authority. You do not HAVE to obey their demands just because they say so. Unless they have LEGAL reason to detain someone, it doesn’t matter if they ARE wearing a badge — it’s STILL kidnapping. And if they do it at gunpoint, well, they’re only digging that hole deeper. Add…
“I don’t see that as who we are as a department”
The old guard Dems are thirstier for a ‘return to normalcy’ then anyone else, while at the same time completely ignoring that the old ways are dead.
The thing that pisses me off about this is that it all comes down to Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema. They’re demanding a “bipartisan” solution when the country literally gave their party a super majority because they understand that bipartisanship isn’t fucking working right now.
In a normal job they would be fired for this shit. What is this give them the chance to resign bullshit?
ACLU Mobile Justice App - I’m reposting this because 2021 and 2022 still have quite a few reasons to continue to need to be heard on the streets, such as reinforced voter suppression in “red states”.
The people that fight to go to Applebee’s and Super Cuts during a pandemic are going to lose their shit over this.
If it were up to me, I’d bring so many witnesses to trial that the Republicans would be BEGGING to let them vote for a conviction. March Madness would be 24/7 Capitol police testifying and then basketball at night. Treat them (metaphorically) like a puppy that peed on the carpet, and put their nose there, and say…
if the Dems cave and decide to censure Trump instead of impeaching him I’ll march down to DC myself and let my extreme displeasure be known. I might be the only one marching but I doubt it. The GOP needs to have their noses rubbed in shit AND ejected from Congress if possible for this bullshit for every single reason…
I’m honestly not sure what Democrats are thinking here.
Pence and Mother were on the Indiana trash heap before the 2016 election. That’s why he was so hot to trot to jump on the TRumpTrain. He lost a ton of cash on a bad business deal so he had no choice but to be TRump’s Vice Bitch.
All he needs to do is pull himself up by his bootstraps and a house/home/apartment will magically appear..
At least that’s the line most of the GOP keep using.. The political equivalent of clicking your heels three times and saying “There is no place like home...!”
They’re not even trying to pretend that there isn’t two systems. This motherfucker’s bail should have been revoked.
Rittenhouse’s mother should be in jail along with her dipshit Hither youth biological spawn. Why she hasn’t been charged when she drove him to the protests and now this is beyond me.
Yea... Schumer needs to be primaried, and hard.
He better stfu with that bullshit. There is no room for graciousness. They still need to censure every one of those thugnants who were willing to tear it all down for the rumpenfuhrer. Much work to be done teaching Dems to show backbone.