
I am beyond excited for this album

I remember him showing up in everything well into the 90s. Dude never had any shame.

It was the 80s, and he still had that hair and no neck.

Thank you, Monique! This is the question that I have been asking since day 1.

Oof, you win for sure. But for real, there’s always an African hair shop somewhere.

I escaped Spokane after 4 years, and you know what? As white as it is, there’s no excuse for letting her hands anywhere near your head. Never in this life time.

Thank you for this

Another thing that I saw a lot of, especially during this last primary, were White Feminists trotting out the tired line that black men got the right to vote before women - so as to say, “you got your black vote (via men), you got your black president, it’s time for your black women issues to take a backseat to our

Kirsten, I’m glad to see that you’re back!

What a nightmare! Are you still supposed to get another 4 - 5 days worth of this?

Be safe!

Thanks, Yesha!



